
App-V Error : The volume does not contain a recognized file system


I have sequenced an application on App-V 4.6 SP2 and have included some OSD scripting in at for the Pre launch state to import some regsiteries and copy files\folders.
Im checking the application on SP2 Client itself, at first launch the shortcuts launch fine and the OSD script also work correctly. However once i close the shortcut and is shutdown completely, if i try to relaunch it it gives me an error "The volume does not contain a recognized file system.Please make sure that all the required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted". If i reboot the machine and retry it launches but this only once have to reboot everytime after launching shortcut.
This happens only on Win7 and not on XP while testing the package on VmWare. Have even tried sequencing the application on Win7 but no luck :(

Any suggestions to resolve the error will be greatly appreciated.

8 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Does it do the same thing without your OSD script?

    Have you cleaned up the sequence, is there any unnecessary files/directories/registry in your sequence that could be causing this? - dunnpy 11 years ago
    • I havent tested it without the OSD script because without it the app is not going to work.
      I have cleaned up the junks from VFS as well regsitry which does not seem related to the application. - Sujit J 11 years ago
  • did you make sure that the vm was in a clean state? and that a reboot was still not needed before you took a snapshot of the vm? When you start sequencing in APP-V 4.6, it will tell you prior to the install part to shutdown SMS Host or Reboot before sequencing (not in that order)...you need to do these before you sequence the package. - mattski 11 years ago
  • The vm was in clean state, the Prepare Computer stage of sequencing is clean and does not have any warnings while the seqeuncing was done - Sujit J 11 years ago
  • You could remove the script and just add any old shortcut in there to launch a file in the 'bubble' - if that doesn't fall over then you could launch the command prompt in the bubble and perform the steps in the script manually and launch that way.

    If that works, then you might be looking at your script - unless the application is a bit weird and is doing something odd. - dunnpy 11 years ago
  • Did your script covers different architectures (x86/x64)? Seems to be the new created shortcut s not the same like the deleted one - vkleiner 11 years ago
  • I have tried to cut donw the script to check what part is troublesome. So have drilled down to some file copies done. the size of the files 180mb, can that cause a problem?

    If i just keep the file copy in the pre launch and launch the shortcut, it launches fine the first time, on subsequent launch it fails with the above error.

    Please help me - Sujit J 11 years ago
  • it will be the app saving files to some location after the app is launched. I highly recommend using ProcMon to monitor what is happening after you launch the app and see what errors are logged, what access is denied etc etc.

    launch Procmon with these switches: /accepteula /noconnect /externalcapture (see my blog http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/procmon-command-line-switches-including-the-hidden-capture-switch) - mattski 11 years ago
  • one other thing...if you are importing files into the %SFT_MNT (Q: drive) make sure that you grant full rights for the process to work. Chances are that the file is not being allowed to transfer due to security access. - mattski 11 years ago

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