
Application auto Launch... ATT communication Manager

Hello All:
I am having an issue avoiding an auto launch of ATT comm Mngr 9.0.2XXX after the installation is complete. I have checked the run once key... deleted the key which seemed to have been the cause for the Auto Launch but seems like the key does get auto generated again after the first launch and again there on... Looks like the advertised short cut is initiating the process... I have tried capturing the processes for just the launch and check what is causing the auto launch but with no conclusion... I have not checked on different user profile but I am pretty sure it will do it for it as well... Has anyone faced the same or similar issue with this application??

Your advice is appreciated...



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Answers (4)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
advertised short cut is initiating the process

if it's an advertised shortcut, then the underlying installer would be an MSI, which means you could author that and create a transform to remove any offending regkeys or to disable any Custom Actions as needed.

Posted by: andi.sharma 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Yes you are right it is a msi... but even using a Transform to its not working... I have checked the CA.. its the initial launch of the application ... re triggering the key and setting a key at HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\[path of the application \appname.exe]... Taking off the CA works just for the first time... the issue is... after the first launch... the key gets generated and Auto Launch of the app is again back to the same as the vendor supplied msi....

Thank you
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
It sounds to me like the application is re-writing that key, something which [cough!] ProcMon would show you straight away.

Check in its options to see if there's something like "Always run when Windows starts".
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
Another option could be (long shot) to leave the Run key in place but have its value be blank. Maybe the app will then leave it alone if you're lucky.
Like Ian said though, if it's the application itself rewriting the key and not the installer, you'll have to look at the application's internal options to disable this rewrite...

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