
AppV 5 standalone sequence of Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013 not working

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Hi all,

I'm using App-V 5.0 SP3 and we use App-V Full infrastructure.

I haven't been able to find much on the web about sequencing Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013, so I followed a recipe here app-v-5-0-sequencing-visual-studio-2012/ for sequencing visual studio 2012.

However, When I've come to try testing it in standalone mode on our image it publishes successfully and it mounts successfully but when i try to run the any one of the shortcuts nothing happens.

I've had this before with a package whereby I couldn't test it in standalone mode, it would only work once added to the management server and published that way.

What could be wrong? Anyone got any ideas?

Has anyone sequenced this app?



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Answers (3)

Posted by: rileyz 8 years ago
Red Belt

Its not worth the pain, don't even bother trying to App-V it  (:
We tried VS 2015 here with no joy. You spend more time debugging it than sequencing it - you're better off spending the time working out the native silent install commands.

  • Cheers for the reply. I've had a look at the install. There are over 20 different msi's run during the install. I've got an admindeployment.xml file and I can install silently from the command line. However, it has been requested by the client to be App-V'd. I have heard before to steer clear of virtualising it but wanted to see if anyone had managed it. I might just stick it into the image and grant users access to the shortcuts if they require it. - mark_holland21 8 years ago
    • If you manage to do it, I'll give you £10 for the recipe :D - rileyz 8 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
Why bother? It's a development tool so let the developers install what they want. They have admin rights, after all, don't they? And surely they're developing on VMs, in which case it's Dodge City for them.

  • Believe it or not this is required on a VDI non-persistent desktop so the users won't have access to install apps. - mark_holland21 8 years ago
  • Sometime shooting yourself in the head via your foot is considered the least painful method of suicide... ;-) - Pressanykey 8 years ago
Posted by: Badger 8 years ago
Red Belt

I have done this in the past, under duress. It is not suitable for App-V. Really not suitable, I don't get why people makes us 'give it a try'.

Last one we did was 2015 I think. I strongly encouraged them to go for a persistent disk VDI for the 4 developers that needed it, oh, they also wanted 2012 I think, so, even more reason to have 2 machines one for each version of Vis Studio.

we played the game for a bit with the App-V approach, but they eventually went for assigned VMs for the developers. Now everybody is happy.

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