
ARP entry

when i am installing later version of an msi while the older version is already present in system,it is upgrading to new version but it is showing entries of both versions in ARP.I added ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 ,but whats happening is new version entry is getting hided and the older version entry is present in ARP.
so how to hide old version entry and to get new version entry in ARP.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: murali.bhat 13 years ago
Purple Belt
Goutham - When you are upgrading / uninstalling, previous version's "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall\<Product Key>" should get removed. Is that happening?
Posted by: spartacus 13 years ago
Black Belt

it is upgrading to new version but it is showing entries of both versions in ARP.

Really ? I think you will find you now have both old and new versions installed given that you have two entries in ARP


I added ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 ,but whats happening is new version entry is getting hided and the older version entry is present in ARP.
so how to hide old version entry and to get new version entry in ARP.

All this is doing is trying the mask the problem that you have both old and new versions installed, and in any case adding ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT to the new package is just going to conceal the new version ARP entry and do nothing with the old version entry.

You need to either look into using the UpgradeTable to perform an orderly uninstallation of the older version of the application, or find the uninstall string for the older version in the registry and make arrangements for this command to run before deploying the newer version.

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
Make sure you add the property you use for status checking (ActionProperty) in the Upgrade table to the SecureCustomProperties, and that the attributes value is higher than 2 (2 is detect only, do not uninstall). Double-check that you're using the correct UpgradeCode.

you're best off scheduling RemoveExistingProducts early for this type of upgrade (after InstallValidate).

Finally check the installer logs to verify that the previous version gets detected and uninstalled.

Posted by: Goutham 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have checked...its not getting upgraded.I have checked in registries,both versions are present.I have added the uninstall string in upgrade table and have done modification to secure custom properties in property table but its not getting upgraded.
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
I have added the uninstall string in upgrade table ...

this sounds abit odd to me, could you paste the contents of your upgrade table here?

Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
It is actually an upgrade? Sounds to me like its a new install. Depending on how your deploying the software, you could just script the uninstall of the privious and then install the new. This is my preference regardless because it leaves less change that the previous is affecting the new.

FYI, just declaring the ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT property can cause an install to be hidden from ARP regardless of 1 or 0. If the wrong one is being hidden, you have probably attached it to the wrong GUID which can be confirmed post install in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall\<Product Key>. You can play around with this by adding/changing/deleting the SystemComponent reg key. Don'e delete the entire GUID and be sure to back it up before you play around with it.
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