
Assign Group as Approver

Is it possible to assign a Group as the approver?

Right now only being able to assing an individual as an Approver is limiting.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
Yes, you can use groups. Assign members to a label (you can do this with LDAP too) and then set the label as Approvers for the queue. You can't assign individual users anyway, the only way you can assign Approvers is by label.

EDIT: Hold on a second, I may have misunderstood your question. Do you mean assign multiple Approvers to a ticket? If so, you cannot do this. I'd suggest submitting a feature request to KACE Support.
Posted by: GillySpy 15 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
If you had a user that represented that group then you could.

I guess it depends on how the group is used, but in your mail system you could create a group with a distribution list address and then create a shared login for them to use in the helpdesk

If your approvers are also ticket owners then they would have the power to change the approver to themselves

An enhancement request would be good too.
Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
Even if support is added for multiple approvers listed on a ticket, I think you could run into some political issues... Let's say you've got two people listed as approvers and one approves the ticket, and a support engineer works the ticket. Then, the second approver listed in the ticket disagrees and feels that the ticket should never have been approved... See what I mean? I suppose if the feature is added, a secondary feature will need to be added as well to enable the requirement of "all" or "one" approver required for a ticket to be "approved".
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