
ATTN Oracle MSI experts!::Multiple Oracle_homes

I'm reworking an Oracle client at the moment. When the MSI was created it added in reg keys for a default Oracle home(Home0). The same thing happenned for all other Oracle apps packaged, so when they try and coexist, they overwrite each others Oracle Home, breaking functionality.

I've tried changing the reg keys so that it will be Home1, for the client I'm packaging, but its not working.

Any ideas of a workaround??


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Answers (3)

Posted by: Nikolas 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
We are looking at the same problem here.

One workaround is to reset the ORACLE_HOME environmental variable before running the oracle executable. These both need to be done from the same command session as the variable only exists in the session it is run from. The batch file below does this for our Oracle Discover package when it is on the same machine as Oracle 8i.

[center]set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Program Files\Oracle\Discov~1

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\Discov~1\DISCVR4\dis4usr.exe"[/center]

This workaround is not ideal as it by passes the registry by setting the ORACLE_HOME variable manually.

The Oracle solution is to use the Oracle Home Selector this uses registry keys created at installation time. The trouble with this from a packaging point of view is that as you always package on a clean PC these keys are never created. This is due the fact the Oracle Universal installer does not find a previous version so does not create them. Here is a link that explains it in more detail.

Please post what you end up doing as it would be good to know.

Cheers Nik
Posted by: dm1 20 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks for your reply Nikolas, it's good to see I'm not the only one with this problem!

Because this is my first conflict solving exercise with Oracle I did a bit of research yesterday to try and understand the concept of Oracle_Home keys, so I found and read that KB article you supplied. It's good for getting an understanding of what we're dealing with.

It seems to me, that the nature of creating an MSI package goes against what Oracle have provided us with their own Oracle Installer. I have read a couple of articles in the 'Packages' section of AppDeploy.com and I'm not sure even creating an MSI is the best solution. Hopefully someone will be able to shed some more light on the situation.
Posted by: dm1 20 years ago
Blue Belt
Hey Nik,

Just found a a way of getting the Oracle Client to exist independently of other Oracle apps, i.e by itself on a machine using a different Oracle Home.

If you call the Oracle Home being used by your client by a different name e.g. Oracle1, Home1, and then change the ORACLE.KEY file to represent the new reg key it should launch your shortcuts correctly.

If installing other oracle apps, you can then use the Home selector to specify your Home.

Hope this helps. If you have any other comments, please add them.


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