

I'm packaging ACADLT2012. I created a batch file and used the silent comand
'"%Source_Path%\AdminImage\Setup.exe" /qb /I %Source_Path%\AdminImage\AutoCADLT2011.ini /language en-US'
When I run the batch file it prompts UAC I tried runas also. My company environment is little bit different. they were doing manual install
for all the appln. They didn't even disabled UAC from GPO.
What should I do now :(

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Not sure about 2012, but 2011 (and previous versions) will only work for the person performing the install. Others may tell you this is not the case, but I was never able to find a way around it and even AutoCAD admits this. Before you go working on UAC, you may want to confirm this is/isn't the case and work from there.

If an automated install is being blocked by a UAC prompt while using your deployment tool, then I'd start there with the tool itself. By design, when UAC/prompt is enabled, you are not supposed to be able to bypass it, otherwise, what would be the point?
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