
Autodesk inventor 2016 silent install fails with /I switch


I'm having issues performing a silent install of Autodesk Inventor 2016. I see in the SCCM deployment file that I should use the following command: "setup.exe" /W /Q /I "Setup.ini" /language en-us however this command doesn't work for me as it is. I figured out that the problem is with the /I switch, whenever I use it the setup.exe starts running but just stops after a few seconds, if I just omit that /I switch and only use /W /Q switches the installation runs silently just fine. 
Any ideas why the silent installation won't run with that /I switch?

thanks in advance.

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
Red Belt
create an admin install, it will create a batch with the command needed in it

this is ours for academics

\\dr-acad\programs\installs\autodeskinventor2016x64\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I \\dr-acad\programs\installs\autodeskinventor2016x64\Img\inventor2016x64.ini /language en-us
I have found problems with moving the install from the location you created it at with the admin builder.  I cannot zip this and push the install.  you need to build it in what directory SCCM would put it in when it pushed the install down.  I have instead created am Autoit installer that attaches to that share and runs the command vs trying to push the install to the macine first

  • thank you SMal.tmcc. I'm running the install from the place I created it and I am using the same command line you mentioned, plus the /W. the install still fails with the /I switch.
    do you have any ideas what might be the issues of omitting that /I switch for SCCM deployment? cause the install runs silently just fine without it. - gmassamo 8 years ago
Posted by: mz6569 7 years ago
White Belt

Top Answer

Hey gmassamo,

Sorry to be that guy, and answer a nearly 1 year old post. But ....

I deal with Autodesk admin images on the regular. Most of the time I find the pesky line in the ini file. ADMIN_IMAGE_LOCATION= ... clear out what ever it is populated with.

Source: I do a lot of local testing before using SCCM to deploy. After I get my log files to my custom location, remove the Autodesk Desktop App codes I'll move the install directory to my share for deployment (just to avoid working across the network). If I do not clear ADMIN_IMAGE line, the installer wants to look at "C:\InvPro\" or what ever temp directory I used during the admin image creation process. Clearing out that line stops the installer from looking my scratch directory and look at the current folder setup.exe is located in to continue on with the installation.

FWIW: Creating stand alone installers for each product takes a ton of space for each deployment. I use a bat file. I get around the size issue and possible hash value fails during OSD (due to massive file count) by zipping the installation directory, Xcopy to a temp dir, extract (via 7zip command line util) and execute the install from the machine. Followed by some clean up commands like clean the desktop icons, import the license server registry, and remove the scratch directory used in my script.

Reduces the space over head and greatly reduces hash value failure a ton in experience.

  • Mz6569, thank you for taking the time to answer my question, even after so long it helped a lot. - gmassamo 7 years ago
Posted by: dunnpy 8 years ago
Red Belt
Looking at info for a previous version the path from generated SCCM file looks like:

.\img\setup.exe /W /Q /I .\img\setup.ini /language en-us

Are your setup.exe and setup.ini files in the root of where they are running from, or in a folder off the root?
I suspect the latter, and they aren't being found when the command is run.


  • Thank you very much for your answer mr. Dunnpy, but yeah, they are located in the root and the install still fails :( - gmassamo 8 years ago
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