
Avery Wizard silent Installation cannot find Word 2013 SP1?

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Hi All,

We are trying to deploy Avery Wizard 5.0 using SCCM 2012 R2. with following switch

setup_x86.exe" /S /v/qn

but it's failing and following error is generating under appenforce.log logfile

Unmatched exit code (1603) is considered an execution failure.

the error logs says:

Product: Avery Wizard 5.0 -- Microsoft Word 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 not found on this machine. Please notice that Office Starter Edition and Office Works are not supported. Setup will terminate (0xb4a32).

Please help!

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I am still getting same error after using setup_x86.exe /S /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1" command. BTW none of the office services running in the background. - BR1310 9 years ago

Answers (5)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
>I don't think it's related to profile component
Then you've misunderstood what Ed is telling you.

SCCM deploys using the local System account whereas you logging in and performing a manual installation will use your user profile: 2 different things.

Anyway...in your shoes, the first thing I'd do is grab the MSI from the set-up EXE so that you can determine how it's detecting the presence of Word.

  • Do you reckon I need to install package when user is logged on ? BTW using MSI file I am getting same results - BR1310 9 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 9 years ago
Red Belt
setup_x86.exe /S /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1"

By default, It can not be installed if Word or Outlook is running on the target machine..

  • But the error is "on this machine".
    Should then be "for this user". - dedenker 9 years ago
    • Check up on:
      a) Avery's licensing, and
      b) what ALLUSERS controls.

      Almost no vendor licenses desktop software on a per-user basis. - anonymous_9363 9 years ago
    • Avery wizard supports per-machine installation. You have to run the installation as Administrator or pass ALLUSERS=1 command as I mentioned above - jagadeish 9 years ago
      • Ensure that Outlook and Word both are not running at the time of installation. - jagadeish 9 years ago
  • Thank you for your help but still I am getting same error after using this command :( - BR1310 9 years ago
    • Create a verbose log file for the installation setup_x86.exe /S /v"/qn ALLUSERS=1 /l*v C:\Temp\Install.log"

      and search for "return value 3" which will tell you what is the issue with installation. - jagadeish 9 years ago
Posted by: EdT 9 years ago
Red Belt
There is one other thing you may need to check. If Avery is only looking for an instance of Word then the above solutions should solve the problem.
However, as I believe Avery installs a bunch of templates into the Word template folder, what you may also need to do is to check where your Word installation expects to find templates.  I believe that word allows you to set both a private and a public templates folder, and you need to target the folder that SCCM can "see", which cannot be in either the user profile, or on a network share.
If you need to target the user profile, then you are going to have to do some work on the Avery install, to stop it checking for the user templates folder, and also to "repair" when Avery is started for the first time by a logged in user, so that their templates folder can be populated with the necessary files.
I'm hoping that you are aware that SCCM has no access to user profiles or user files within the profile folders.

  • Thank you for your reply but if I use same command manually it does work. Therefore, I dont think so it's related to profile component - BR1310 9 years ago
Posted by: Pressanykey 9 years ago
Red Belt
As VBScab has suggested, get the MSI and perform a installation using the "system account" providing a log file. You will be able to see what is causing the error and edit the msi appropriately...
If it's a context issue then you will probably have to improvise...

Posted by: Pressanykey 9 years ago
Red Belt
Hi, I have had a look at the embedded MSI, and you MUST create a msi log file so that you can see how the properties are set to indicate which office products in which version are identified. Then you can set these properties via a transform. Also you should be aware that there seems to be some kind of malware / advertise-ware / rubbish on board (Offercast2802.exe).
One you know how the properties are set you may get it installed via SCCM. Also be aware that the setup.exe seems to install certificates for the general office plug-in (avery_2007.cer, avery_2012.cer, avery_2016.cer).
The custom actions that are executed in the UI sequence seem to be replicated in the Install sequence, but I do not have a VM available to test in depth.

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