
Basic Windows 7 Image (SCCM 2012 R2)

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I'm trying to create a very basic/simple Windows 7 deployment via SCCM 2012 using task sequences.  Basically we have different laptops, desktops, etc. come in & my techs want something that just lays down an image so they can install the drivers, join the doman, etc.  What's the simplest way to complete this?  I tried using our current "production" task sequnce, making a copy of it & then editing it so it was ONLY installing the OS and then adding the local admin account & EVERY TIME the admin account would lock or be disabled so I figured I'd try ANOTHER option & create one from scratch that just lays down a basic image with the admin account enabled.  Thank you


Restart in Windows PE


Apply OS

___________All the Above works fine

Windows Settings  (Enable Admin Account: Password entered)

Apply Network Settings (Join Workgroup)

Set Task sequence variable: OSDLocalAdminPassword  (Tried LOTS of different options with this)

Completes with no issues & when you attempt to login with admin account (This account has been disabled)


3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Can you post the edited task sequence? This should be entirely possible. - nheyne 9 years ago
    • I've edited the TS numerous times with no success. I've added a cmd to enable admin account, change the admin pw, etc. nothing works absolutely nothing. The admin account is always locked out. this is why I wanted to start with a basic ISO file of Win 7 and create a new TS but I'm not sure how to go about it. - Techie702 9 years ago
  • If you want to create a TS from scratch you should research it by searching the internet, its a complicated process and cant be explained in a comment.
    Look into MDT task sequences:
    (You need to have the MDT package installed on your SCCM server for the MDT task sequence option to appear)

    Also, if you post the TS its possible that someone will spot the error for you. - arivarton 9 years ago
    • It's in a Workgroup so GPO's should not effect it....To my knowledge. I'm quite familiar with TS, etc. In fact I built our MDT workbench & production SCCM deployment. This ONE simple task though has me stumped..lol - Techie702 9 years ago
      • I noticed that you had it setup in a workgroup so i edited my comment.
        You could export your task sequence as a .xml with powershell and paste it in your post:
        Get-CMTaskSequence -ID CASXXXXX | select -ExpandProperty Sequence > c:\filename.xml - arivarton 9 years ago
  • Great suggestion! Love PS! - Techie702 9 years ago

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