Batch to start Outlook.exe runs Startup Wizard (SCCM 2012)
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I am running a batch file through SCCM to relaunch Outlook after running the install.
I use the simple command
start Outlook.exe
and every time is runs the Outlook 2010 Startup Wizard rather then starting up Outlook. I run that command normally as a command prompt and it works fine. Anyone got any ideas? Is it profile related?
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Try running the command as the user (and setting it to run only when a user is logged on) otherwise it'll launch in the system context. - dunnpy 11 years ago
Thanks dunnpy. I will give that a shot. I've been confused between install as user & install as system for certain installs, but since this is a batch file I think it will work. - JHBPJF 11 years ago
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11 years ago
The SCCM client runs under the SYSTEM account.
You might be able to call this as a user by using RUNAS or AT (Task Scheduler).
Curious...What are you installing that requires reloading Outlook?
Yah running it under the user works. Salesforce & Colligo - JHBPJF 11 years ago