
Bitlocker Management with Cloud versus UEM

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We currently have both SMA K1000 appliance, and Cloud. We are wanting to manage the Bitlocker Drive Encryption, mainly and at least at first, for the C: Drive. I see the options to configure the BitLocker Encryption in the Cloud console.
I am not confident in what the next steps are. Quest's Knowledge base, which is the one of the worst I have ever seen, is not helpful. It is more like FAQs. Maybe I am reading it wrong.

Here are some questions I have:
-What are the steps of deployment of Bitlocker with SMA/K1000? 
-What all settings can you control?
-Tied to above, where is the proper documentation for this feature, playbooks, cookbooks, guides, anything?
-What is the difference, as it relates to Bitlocker, between Cloud and UEM?
-What is the difference, as it relates to Windows MDM (e.g. laptops), between Cloud and UEM?
-Am I understanding correctly that UEM is really just SMA and Cloud integrated with each other? If not, can someone please point me towards solid documentation of the benefit of having UEM versus having SMA and Cloud?

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