
Business Objects 5.1.7

Dear all,

We have repackaged BO 5.1.7 application for remote installation in preperation for our client to remote deploy app.

Unfortunately though when trying to run the app as a lock-down user it fails to open. as soon as you make the lock down account a memeber of the Local Power Users group the app works fine, obviously leading us to a permissions issue.

After a lot of snapshots, RIPs and Registry mons/File Mons we have determind a registry key must be opened for the app to run as a lock down user. Rather than local files as these are opened within the original package.

Would anyone have any idea which key needs to opened?? We have even gone through opening up HKCR root to allow Users full control and the app still fails!!!!

Currently we have also just opened HKLM>Software key and low and behold the app works, unfortunately this is still a bit of a red herring as cannot have an app opening HKLM>Software!!!!

I have already gone through the other posts relating to BO 5.1.X but they do not have the info I am looking for.

Any assistance would as always be greatly appreciated.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: Jim101 20 years ago
Orange Belt
We have identified the keys that must be opened for the application to work as a full lock-down user.

These are:
"MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects",2,"D:PAR(A;CI;KA;;;BA)(A;CIIO;KA;;;CO)(A;CI;KA;;;SY)(A;CI;KA;;;BU)"

And also use a SUNBINACL on;

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