
Can I push a script to the computers on my network to update Adode Creative Cloud?

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I have several machines on my network that need adobe creative cloud updated. The adobe programs have been a pain and it seems I have to go through creative cloud to update, install, and uninstall all the adobe apps, (Thanks abode, for making this s**t difficult!). I want to push a script to all my local machines to update creative cloud and maybe the other adobe programs. With the way creative cloud works, where I have to be logged into creative cloud to update it, or any other adobe software, is it possible to have Kase push an update, if each instance needs adobe log in credentials?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Kiyolaka 3 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

This is a huge "it depends" 

What specifically are you trying to update.

The adobe creative cloud applications itself?

Adobe creative cloud packages such as Photoshop?

If Adobe CC packages;

How did you originally install them, was it via a distribution package you created on the Enterprise portal?

Do you have Remote Update Manager enabled?

Are you trying to change base versions, or just apply the latest patch to whatever version is installed. I.E 2020 >2022 or 2020.1 to 2020.whatever?

  • Both would be ideal. If I could update CC and any program that would normally need to be pushed by CC. Originally I believe they were installed manually from Adobes website, at lease CC was. Photoshop, In design, encoder, etc. were most likely installed through CC. I want to just update these programs to the latest patch. And I'm unfamiliar with Remote Update Manager? I do know that purchasing a higher tier license from Adobe will get me the ability to update apps automatically. Is this similar? Thank you for the help! - zjsedgwick 3 years ago
    • You're going to want to take a look at Adobe Remote Update Manager, which you can setup to download and install updates for Adobe Products on a device.. Adobe RUM by itself will download updates directly from adobe and only patch the products currently installed. This means that it might strain your network if you have too many devices running RUM simultaneously and it won't install Major version updates, just install microupdates/patches for the currently installed version. Bandwidth control and base version updates would require leveraging an Adobe Update Server Setup Tool install in conjunction with RUM (AUSST works similarly to WSUS) https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/using/using-remote-update-manager.html https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/using/update-server-setup-tool.html - Kiyolaka 3 years ago
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