
Can I use AppDeploy to repackage msi file for silent install?

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I have an msi file that I wish to install GPO. The problem is that file has to be installed using msiexec with switches. How do I accomplish this?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: EdT 6 years ago
Red Belt
Check the vendor readme file or their installation guide. There is usually an example of the msiexec.exe command line that will pass all the required property values to the MSI during a silent installation.
Posted by: JordanNolan 7 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt

Usually when an MSI file is deployed via a GPO it implies the /qn switches.

msiexec.exe /i {yourmisfile.msi} /qn

I am assuming that since your MSI is not deploying correctly it may be requesting other parameters like different properties.  For example I had some MSI deployments of license server clients that needed to have the server name specified in the install path:

msiexec.exe /i {myfile.msi} /qn server=myhostname

To enable this to be deployed by GPO you may be able to use ORCA to edit your MSI or create a Transform File to use with the GPO to include these parameters in the Properties section of the MSI tables.  Take a look at this pervious post:


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