
Can someone giude me with the SQL server enterprise 2008 R2 un-attended installation for Win 7 & deploying it through SCCM2012 ?

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I tried editing the Config .ini file but it is not successfully installed. I spent a whole week trying to edit the .ini and install it silently but it turns out to be hopeless. Everytime when I start running it on the local machine through the "Setup.exe"/CONFIGURATIONFILE= "config.ini"/QS command line I get an error pop-up (invalid configuration file).

Thanks for helping out!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SnowLyric 12 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

Try giving full path to config.ini file to see it works. eg: /CONFIGURATIONFILE="%~dp0Config.ini" with config.ini located in working dir.

  • Thanks for the suggestion!
    Now, I can run the setup along .ini but it is not properly installed.
    Am not getting any errors but I only have setup installed in ( ALLPROGRAMS-SQL SERVER-CONFIGURATION TOOL- CONFIGURATION SETUP) instead I need to get Configuration manager. Any help! - SAP369 12 years ago
  • your command line seems to be correct. I would like to see your config.ini. Can you post it here after removing any firm specific info? - SnowLyric 12 years ago
  • Sure! I can do it. - SAP369 12 years ago

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