
Can't find source when running modify/change action

Hi all. I am having an issue when performing a modify/change action. The steps I am following are:

- install msi
- in ARP, modify the install and add a feature. no issues here
- install patch
- in ARP, modify the install and add a feature, the install looks for an uncompressed file which doesn't exist as my original install is compressed, error 1308/1309.

Any thoughts as to why this might happen? Please let me know if I can provide any info to help troubleshoot. Thank you!

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Answers (3)

Posted by: jmaclaurin 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
How are you making the modifications? To the MSI or are you using an MST. If your using an MST, it probably made a CAB file or it is looking for the files. Either way, both must be in the same directory as the MST.
Posted by: barron35 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the reply. I am modifying the msi via a patch (msp). Although a patch is made up internally as a mst and a cab, I am not using an mst directly. The issue is after I apply the patch and try to perform a modify and change features. The "modify" I am performing in Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features) is sometimes called Change and sometimes called Modify, not sure why there is a difference :)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Enable Windows Installer logging in verbose mode. The resulting log will help you identify the recalcitrant component.
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