
Can't manipulate services

In my package I need to stop and then restart the RPC service. when I run a Net STOP command it does not stop the service. So I opened up the services.msc and when I double click on the Remote Prodecure Call (RPC) service everything is grayed out. I can't change anything. Why? I am an Admin on this machine and UAC is turned OFF. I made sure of both.
I started looking at other services and I only see this grayed out state on RPC and DCOM. How do you stop these and why are they restricted?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Trust me...you *really* don't want to stop RPC LOL
Posted by: mhsl808 13 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I have machines that have a 10GB recovery partition and I am trying to run DISKPART. Each time I try to format the volume I get an error that says RPC is not running.....yet it is running. So I am not sure how to get around this. We have 1 drive in thousands of machines. The C:\ is of course there but listed first (volume 0) is a 10GB partition that I need to format and assign a dirve letter too. So I am not sure how to setup the recovery partition since diskpart bombs out.
Posted by: mhsl808 13 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I found this and tried it and it too failed when I ran diskpart

Another thing that has to be taken note is whether the DCOM tunneling is enabled. To enable the DCOM tunneling, go to Start and then Run. Write DCOMCNFG and then click on the Component Services. From the component services, go to My Computer and choose Properties. After this, turn to Default Properties tab and then Enable DCOM. Once you have done this, scroll down to Tunneling TCP/IP and click the "Move Up" button and bring it to the top of the list. Once you have done all this, restart the computer and you see that "The RPC server is unavailable" error is solved.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Why would you want to run a disk partitioning utility within Windows? And why bother trying to "rescue" 10Gb of disk space?

OK, now I see why you want to rescue the space but, even so, I'd abandon trying to do this in Windows.
Posted by: mhsl808 13 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I was able to get this working. From within WinPE I was able to set to partition to active and format it and then use it.
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