Can you Deploy Java 7 update 17 silently without getting "Interactive Services Detection" pop-up?
Hello all, First question as i am new but i hope to help others as time goes on.
I have been using an RMM software (LabTech) to deploy Java for sometime initially i would use the .exe but i hit Java3Bill.jpg not found so i decided to use the .MSI and .Cab files for the deployment.
This works very well but recently it appears that when i attempted to update either version of Java (64 and 32 bit) it pops up an interactive services windows saying that RunDLL32 is requesting attention "C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\Bin\Installer\\java.dll , The specified Module could not be found". Once this message has been viewed by the user there is no longer an issue and the next time it installs successfully but unfortunately it would not be pratical to log into each computer manually and view the message. So i have been trying to find a way to resolve the issue via CMD but with no joy.
I have tried disabling the seriver (UI0Detect) which granted does stop the pop up but then the installation just times out.
Everywhere i've looked in relation to this problem is to do with legacy software or incorrect installation switches. The following command is what is used to install
: msiexec.exe /qn /i %windir%\ltsvc\packages\Java32\jre.msi REBOOT=SUPRESS
the .CAB is located in the same directory.
Any Help would be appriecated.
Answers (2)
Make sure you are installing your package as Administrator or System user
OK I will double check but I am sure the RMM software runs as administrator. I have tried running the command myself manually but still the same results. I would also like to add that the issue does not exist until I attempt to update Java using the command shown above and does not get resolved ubtill the message being displayed on session 0 is viewed. It does seem that when the update to java 7 update 17 is ran against a system that already has an older version of 7 , that the install fails but does not completely remove the older version. I have also noted a restart is require to be able to actually uninstall Java as it seems the Msiinstaller service becomes non responsive "Another Program is being installed " message is displayed . Thank you for your reply.
I think in the future I will uninstall Java first. - Raz0r 11 years ago -
Hello. I'm running into the same "interactive services detection message", but it only happens when the script is run via my deployment tool (Windows Intune using an EXE that allows a script to be run via Intune). When I run the same process from an elevated command line, I don't receive the interactive services message. I know for sure that Intune runs deployments as the System user. Interestingly, this happens using two different scripts. The first one runs the install via and msi, mst, and cab files and the other runs it through the offline EXE. Additionally, when I use the same exact process with jre1.7.0_13 for instance, I don't get the interactive services box. What the? - dcaranfa 11 years ago
Very strange indeed . what does the message display? Mine is that installer.dll couldn't be found in c:\program files (x86)\java\bin\\installer.dll but I find it strange because the files are installed perfectly fine once the message is viewed. If there was a way to confirm the dialogs via cmd such as send key but to session 0 it would be possible to resolve the issue via scripting but I haven't been unable to. - Raz0r 11 years ago
my message says the same exact thing. Can't find the installer.dll. - dcaranfa 11 years ago
and just for background... I'm trying to install this on win7 pro 32bit. - dcaranfa 11 years ago
to test this further, I removed jre1.7.0_17 from the two systems that were displaying the interactive services message and then installed 7 update 11 on one and 7 update 13 on the other. I then used the same script process and Windows Intune to deploy 7 update 15 and it worked without a problem. This seems to be something specific to 7 update 17. - dcaranfa 11 years ago
I appear to be having this issue mainly with the 32 bit installation on 64 bit Win 7 Pro. I having this issue with 20 computers. I am unsure if it is just 7 17 as i had the same issue with 7 15. I believe that it should work when there are no existing java packages when in installing but it is difficult to troubleshoot as the interactive services message does not seem to go unless the system is rebooted or actually viewed on session 0 - Raz0r 11 years ago
I was doing some additional testing and it happened to me with 7 update 15 as well. - dcaranfa 11 years ago
Try using msiexec.exe /i "%windir%\ltsvc\packages\Java32\jre.msi" /qn /norestart
I have found msiexec sometimes really dislikes where the options are set in the line.
Ok i will give that ago thank you - Raz0r 11 years ago