
Cannot access driver library through Windows explorer

I am new to Kace and I am trying to upload drivers for an unsupported raid card and network card for XP 32bit and I get a Samba login and password that is not what I would think it would be.

I have tried typing in k2000\admin and then the passwor I had created for the main login and it doesn't work.

Thanks for any help.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: bowmantech 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Is k2000 the host name you created during your initial setup?

You could always reset the driver share password in the General Settings control panel.
Posted by: Seyeradmin 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yes K2000 is the name I used. I also used your advice and found the password area to set this password.

Thanks a Bunch Bowmantech!
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