
Captaris RightFax 9.4 - How to package

It seems that Captaris has changed the way RightFax 9.4 works. I can not use the directions from 9.3 to package this application. I also am not able to find documentation on their website for this.

I see that the MSI included with the setup.exe uses Microsoft Installer XML. I don't believe the previuos 9.3 uses this. Do I need to edit or create an XML file for this? I am not familar with how to do this. If this is the way to create this silently, are there any tools out there that will automate the creation of the XML file?

I can't figure out if the setup.exe, which appears to be the only way to install RightFax, takes any switches. I know in 9.3 the use of CMDLINE= was required in the setup.ini file. Doesn't seem to be the case in 9.4. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Answers (47)

Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
This may be too late for you, but others might find it helpful.

This is from the RightFax documentation......

Installing the Client Applications from a Command Line

The RightFax client applications can be installed from an MS-DOS prompt in a Command Prompt window. You can:
?? Install RightFax client applications for the first time.

?? Modify an existing installation of a client application to add or remove (uninstall) one or more client applications.

?? Remove (uninstall) all of the client applications

Following are examples of common operations that can be performed. Note that these examples wrap to fit on this page. The command line must not include a carriage return.

Installing a RightFax client application for the first time:
- Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,EFM" /rightFaxServer="myserver"

Modifying an existing installation:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="faxctrl"

Removing one RightFax client application from a server:
- Setup.exe /modify /unattended=true /allowshutdown=true /drop="faxctrl"

Uninstalling all RightFax client applications from a server:
- Setup.exe /remove /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true

Before You Begin

Copy the Setup.exe to a network file location from which you will run the command line. You have the following options:

?? Copy the RightFax product suite Setup.exe from the DVD to the network. (Only the client applications can be installed from the command line.)

?? Copy the Setup.exe for client applications from the DVD to the network. The client Setup.exe is located on the RightFax product suite DVD in the \Client folder. The file size is 105 MB.

If you use the Setup.exe for client applications, you can further reduce the file size of the Setup.exe with the following options:

?? If the destination client computer operating systems are all 32-bit, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 60 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\NetFx64.exe.

?? If .NET 2.0 is already installed on the destination client computers, you can reduce the Setup.exe to 32 MB. Delete the file \Client\Prereqs\dotnetfx2.0.

The command line install is not intended for installing client applications on the RightFax server.

Specifying the Level of User Interaction

Setup.exe runs with a fully interactive wizard, but it also can be run with minimal or no user interaction.

To check for success or failure, see Exit Codes later in this section.

Setup.exe displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error. In the case of an error, Setup.exe will display a message explaining the error. The user must click OK to continue. /quiet=true Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Setup.exe runs with no user interaction.

Specifying the Location of the Setup.exe File

You must run the command in the directory where the RightFax Setup.exe is copied, or you must specify the full path to Setup.exe.

The location can be any valid path, such as "D:\" or \\server\share.

Specifying the Installation Mode

To modify an existing installation or to uninstall all of the client applications, you must specify the installation mode.

Modifies an existing installation to add or remove RightFax client applications. This command must be used with the Add or Drop command. This command cannot be used to remove all features.

Removes all RightFax client applications from the system. This command cannot be used to add or remove specific features.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Install

With the Add command, you can specify one or more RightFax client applications to add. This option applies when you are installing features for the first time or when you decide to add RightFax client applications at a later time (modifying an existing installation).

/add="name1, name2, …"
Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Client Applications to Remove

With the Drop command, you can remove one or more client applications at a time

Do not use this option to remove all of the client applications. To remove (uninstall) all client applications, use the /remove command.

/drop="name1, name2"
Feature names must be separated by commas.

Specifying the RightFax Server

Some commands require the name of a RightFax server to which the client application will connect when it is first installed.

/rightFaxServer="My Server"
"MyServer" is the name of the RightFax server.

Shutting Down RightFax Processes

Before running Setup.exe, RightFax applications should be shut down and then restarted after Setup.exe is finished.

You can stop and start the applications manually, or Setup.exe can perform these operations for you.

/allowShutdown= true

Client Application Names

The client applications must be specified with these names.

RightFax FaxUtil

RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager

RightFax Print Driver

RightFax Outlook Advanced Fax Extensions

MAPI Print Driver

VIM Print Driver

RightFax AutoReply

Exit Codes

Setup.exe returns an exit code. The exit codes can be utilized in a batch file to display the exit code when
Setup.exe is finished or to branch to another operation. Use the errorlevel command in the batch file to utilize the exit code.

Exit Code

Exit Code
No errors, but a reboot is required to finish the operation.

Exit Code
An error occurred
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Michael, would these notes not be better hosted as a 'Package KB'?
Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
You're absolutely right. I've already posted them, but I believe that it takes a little while before they appear.

I was thinking that it wouldn't do any harm having it here as well. ;o)
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
LOL...I think we've had this "conversation" once before, haven't we? :)
Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I think so. But someone has to keep my on my toes. ;o)
Posted by: slparker 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm still having issues (Thought I had found the solution when I saw your post)... Here is what I am trying...

Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl,EFM,Outlook" /rightFaxServer="MyRFServer"

I copied the "Client" folder and am running setup.exe from it...
I do not have a setup.ini file...

Any Ideas???
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl,EFM,Outlook" /rightFaxServer="MyRFServer"Should that be:
Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl,EFM,Outlook" /rightFaxServer="MyRFServer"

That is, with a slash preceding the 'add' keyword?
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I really hope someone can still help with this. The following line didn't work:

Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true add="FaxUtil,EFM" /rightFaxServer="myserver"

What I had to do was add a switch in there that they didn't have in the example (I will bold it):
Setup.exe /unattended=true /quiet=true /allowShutdown=false add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl" /rightFaxServer="myserver"

My main problem is that when the print driver starts to install, Windows pops up a message asking if I want to allow the hardware installation. The driver looks like a generic driver install window (not something you would see in device manager - http://www.mydigitallife.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/unsigned-driver-install.jpg) and I didn't see where you could ignore that in the script. I have to find a way to get beyond that.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Also, I am not sure what the manifest.xml file is for. Not sure if we even need to specify the location of it.
Posted by: cygan 15 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
it's been many many moons ago since I did the rightfax package and I can't remember now. but regarding the prompts that are getting when the drivers are been installed can you not use group policy to supress the prompts
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Cygan, I'm sure it's possible, but I would have to get with our Sys Admin team and that would take a long time. It's hard relying on those guys. I'm trying to throw a random idea out there.

Maybe, if I can copy the print driver over to system32 and then it would see that it is there and install it that way. Not sure. It's a long shot, but I'm desperate. I have until Thursday.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
copy the print driver over to system32 and then it would see that it is there and install it that way.How would that ever work?

The simplest answer is to separate out the driver installation and sign the driver. And before you ask, there's a ton of stuff here on AppDeploy about driver-signing so use the 'Search' facility.
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Found the issue!!! Okay. Looks like .NET 3.5 SP1 un-signs all of your drivers. The fix for that is KB961118. Once that was installed, the silent install worked.
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I am using SCCM to deloy RightFax...I was able to deploy and add modules but can't remove it. I get a long winded error that points to a problem with the installer. I can do it manualy with the setup.exe /remove but not through SCCM. I sent a message to OpenText and this is what I got back.

The 9.4 client installation package was completely redesigned by Development for version 9.4.
We do not have any documentation or process concerning the deploymentation method of the client via any 3rd party tool at this time, with 9.4.
I have already submitted a Feature Request to Development on other Customer's behalf that this be looked into for the next version release cycle, and provided to customers and technical support; however, untill they test it and document it, this is an unsupported process with 9.4.
Because the process work from the command line, the process as documented in the guide, would appear to work, and the issue would appear specific to the deploymentation method. I wish I had something to offer; however, we have no suggestions at this time to resolve.
Unfortunately, this will not be something we can directly assist you with.

Anyone else having this problem?
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I couldn't use the "setup.exe /remove". I had to use "setup.exe /unattended=true /quiet=true /remove" to remove it manually. I haven't tried it in SCCM yet. I'll try it.
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yeah I tied that and it did not work...manualy no issues...though SCCM no go.
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
How is the package made? Are you doing a TS that runs a script or did you make a batch file? Did you make a program that runs that setup and then has the removal switches?

Also, one thing just came to mind. We couldn't remove RightFax unless the RightFax thing in the system tray was not running.

Try this:
taskkill /f /im faxctrl.exe
setup.exe /unattend=true /quiet=true /remove
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I am just running the program in a program that is attached to the RightFax package. I was able to install the FaxCtrl no problem. I was also able to run another program to add the FaxUtil and EFM. No issues with either of those. I used the setup.exe the for those routines. I tried killing the FaxCtrl and running the advertisement for the uninstall program and it did not uninstall.
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
This is the error when I try to run the setup.exe /unattented=true /removal.

Application could not be started:
Unhandled application exception.

System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.ShowDialog()
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.Show()
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.ShowFullControl(IWin32Window owner, String text, String details, Boolean expandDetails, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton, SupressModes& supression, Boolean semiModal)
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.ShowDetails(IWin32Window owner, String text, String details, Boolean expandDetails, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton, SupressModes& supression)
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.ShowDetails(IWin32Window owner, String text, String details, Boolean expandDetails, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton)
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.ShowDetails(IWin32Window owner, String text, String details, Boolean expandDetails, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
at RightFax.Tools.UI.MessageBoxPlus.Show(String text, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
at TaskWizard.TaskWizardManager.Run(String logFileName, String traceDisplayName, String traceDescription)
at Install.Program.AppMain(String[] args)
at Install.Program.AppStart.RightFax.IGlobalAppStart.Main(String[] args)
at RightFax.GlobalAppStart.CallAppEntryPoint(String[] args, String& strMessage)

The following assemblies were loaded:
vrv8v8b_, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
vkxbz7j3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

No assemblies failed to load.

When I run the /removal with the /quiet=true I do not get the error but it does not uninstall. I have tried using a batch file as a TS as well as a straight package.
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Are you actually using /removal?

I'm using /remove
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
sorry /remove
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Weird. Are you running the "_setup.exe" or the "setup.exe"? I see both in there.
Posted by: cl3tUs 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I just ran into a problem... I can't deploy this through SCCM for some reason. SCCM shows it as a success but RightFax never installs. I read in the log and found the following information:

2009-10-21 09:21:34Z: Info: Logging started.
2009-10-21 09:21:35Z: Info: Setup v9.4.0.239
2009-10-21 09:21:35Z: Info: Command line: /unattended=true /quiet=true /allowshutdown=false /add=FaxUtil,FaxCtrl /rightfaxserver=HQADAVAP23
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Loading install state at start of work.
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: IsUpgrade=False, IsModify=False, IsRemoval=False, IsRepair=False
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: The following feature change requests are being processed:
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Add Clients/Tools
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Add RightFax FaxUtil
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Add RightFax Print Driver
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Error: Unexpected problem
System.InvalidOperationException: Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.ShowDialog()
at RightFax.Tools.UI.BackgroundWorkerProgressDialog.Run(IWin32Window owner, BackgroundWorker worker, BackgroundWorkerProgressMode mode, TimeSpan duration)
at RightFax.Tools.UI.BackgroundWorkerProgressDialog.Run(IWin32Window owner, BackgroundWorker worker)
at TaskWizard.TaskWorker.RunSilently(TaskWorker worker)
at TaskWizard.TaskWizardManager.DoWorkQuiet(TaskWorker[] currentWorkers)
at TaskWizard.TaskWizardManager.OnDoWork(TaskWorker[] currentWorkers)
at CommonInstall.CommonInstallManager.OnDoWork(TaskWorker[] currentWorkers)
at TaskWizard.TaskWizardManager.RunInSandbox()
at TaskWizard.TaskWizardManager.Run(String logFileName, String traceDisplayName, String traceDescription)
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Reboot status = NotRequired
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Exitcode = -1
2009-10-21 09:21:38Z: Info: Logging ended.

I Googled the part about the error and everyone was referring to VBS script or something else that isn't RightFax.
Posted by: dpolishsensation 15 years ago
Blue Belt
Has anyone had any luck with setting the server for RightFax through Outlook? I am able to get the software installed successfully, however when clicking on the RightFax icon in Outlook, I receive the following error:

Unable to connect to server RightFax.

As you can see below, the server has been set.

"\\va1wps01\Staging\RightFax Outlook 9.4\Source\RightFax Outlook 9.4\Setup.exe" /unattended=true /quiet=true /allowShutdown=true /add="outlook,faxctrl" /rightFaxServer="va1rfx01"
Posted by: michaelnowell 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

When the Rightfax install run, it does a basic MSI install, but most of the reg keys etc... are generated by the installshield addin. I suspect that you are missing several of the registry keys that are generated during the Outlook integration part of the installshield installation.

Here are the keys that are generated during this installation. Check that they are present. If not, merge them into your registry and see if it then works.

"Captaris RightFax Client Extension"="4.0;C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFxMSx32.dll;1;01000111101100;1101010"

@="RightFax Form Options"


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20AFADBC-6732-45D0-89FB-9E253DD0D180}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20AFADBC-6732-45D0-89FB-9E253DD0D180}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20AFADBC-6732-45D0-89FB-9E253DD0D180}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20AFADBC-6732-45D0-89FB-9E253DD0D180}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll"






@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll, 1004"




@="RightFax Form Viewer"


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2F4D6C5A-231C-486A-A737-16DE8BF966D3}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2F4D6C5A-231C-486A-A737-16DE8BF966D3}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2F4D6C5A-231C-486A-A737-16DE8BF966D3}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2F4D6C5A-231C-486A-A737-16DE8BF966D3}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll"






@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll, 1000"




@="RFaxExchange Class"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4F85E688-D616-497B-A2E4-A86A221D0DAA}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4F85E688-D616-497B-A2E4-A86A221D0DAA}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4F85E688-D616-497B-A2E4-A86A221D0DAA}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4F85E688-D616-497B-A2E4-A86A221D0DAA}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFxMSx32.dll"




@="RightFax Form Helper"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{92C57082-A6B6-4372-8A93-6FA589AB8ED4}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{92C57082-A6B6-4372-8A93-6FA589AB8ED4}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{92C57082-A6B6-4372-8A93-6FA589AB8ED4}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{92C57082-A6B6-4372-8A93-6FA589AB8ED4}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll"





@="Viewer Class"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{9ACDC811-AB37-40DB-A938-AA8AC6D99C46}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{9ACDC811-AB37-40DB-A938-AA8AC6D99C46}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxView.dll"





@="Scanner Class"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A78B292D-6FAF-4ED5-ADDC-CAFEDFFD630A}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A78B292D-6FAF-4ED5-ADDC-CAFEDFFD630A}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A78B292D-6FAF-4ED5-ADDC-CAFEDFFD630A}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{A78B292D-6FAF-4ED5-ADDC-CAFEDFFD630A}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFScan.dll"





@="FaxServer Class"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D7CA3941-DA83-4C87-949A-60DF378DD68E}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D7CA3941-DA83-4C87-949A-60DF378DD68E}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D7CA3941-DA83-4C87-949A-60DF378DD68E}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{D7CA3941-DA83-4C87-949A-60DF378DD68E}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\rfcomapi.dll"





@="RightFAX Objects"


@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFObj.dll"






@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFObj.dll, 1"




@="ViewerCtrl Class"


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{F88EB5B2-F43E-4D64-8AE4-F9B72F06626A}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{F88EB5B2-F43E-4D64-8AE4-F9B72F06626A}\Implemented Categories\{3AB51FE2-1D00-11d3-AA05-00500409F78D}]

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxView.dll"






@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxView.dll, 103"
















































































































































































































































@="Viewer Class"

@="Viewer Class"




@="ViewerCtrl Class"

@="ViewerCtrl Class"





@="RightFax Form Helper"

@="RightFax Form Helper"




@="RightFax Form Options"

@="RightFax Form Options"




@="RightFax Form Viewer"

@="RightFax Form Viewer"




@="FaxServer Class"

@="FaxServer Class"




@="Scanner Class"

@="Scanner Class"




@="RFaxExchange Class"

@="RFaxExchange Class"




@="RightFAX Objects"

@="RightFAX Objects"





@="RFaxVwrCtrl 1.0 Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxVwrCtrl.dll"



@="RFxMSx32 1.0 Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFxMSx32.dll"



@="RightFAX Object Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFObj.dll"



@="RightFax Viewer 1.0 Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFaxView.dll"



@="RFScan 1.0 Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\RFScan.dll"



@="RightFax COM API Type Library"

@="C:\\Program Files\\RightFax\\Shared Files\\rfcomapi.dll"



Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Please use the CODE tag (click the button marked '<%') for lengthy text, folks.
Posted by: NetMedic 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yeah I get the same thing. When I try to run anything 9.4 it blows up with an error that is similar to the one you showed. Anyone get 9.4 to install via SCCM. The RightFax folks stait there is no path to install 9.4 with SCCM.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
The RightFax folks stait there is no path to install 9.4 with SCCM.So right there, we know to ignore anything that comes from them. What utter piffle...
Posted by: lady.d 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi cl3tUs - had issues too. have updated www.appdeploy.com/packages/detail.asp?id=564 with the detail
Posted by: egagnier 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
For all of you who wants to deploy Rightfax 9.4 with SMS 2003, you have to check the box "Allow users to interact with this program" in your program in the SMS Console. Don't know why but, it seems that the SETUP.EXE from Captaris is trying to show a modal dialog even if you specify the "/unattended=true /quiet=true" switches to the SETUP.EXE.
Posted by: rob731 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi i was wondering how to change the login method from (default) Use NT Authentication to Use network login ID. From a comand line install.
Posted by: BerkApp 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Has anyone used the install switches? I used them and the client installed but it did not install the print driver. Any ideas?
Posted by: rob731 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Heres a list of Client Application Names, hope this helps. They worked fine for me. The one in bold is what you need.

Command Description
[font="akzidenz grotesk be,akzidenz grotesk"][font="akzidenz grotesk be,akzidenz grotesk"]
FaxUtil = RightFax FaxUtil
EFM = RightFax Enterprise Fax Manager
FaxCtrl = RightFax Print Driver
Outlook = RightFax Outlook Advanced Fax Extensions
MAPI = MAPI Print Driver [font="akzidenz grotesk be,akzidenz grotesk"][font="akzidenz grotesk be,akzidenz grotesk"]
VIM = VIM Print Driver
AutoReply = RightFax AutoReply
Posted by: aogilmor 14 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
ya!!!! (sound of riotous applause)

Finally SOMEBODY actually suggests looking at the vendor documentation.

And shame on all of you people who don't even search the vendor docs or worse, encourage glass bottle or old shoe solutions.
Posted by: Helpy 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hello AppDeploy. Has anyone had any experience using vbs to package and deploy RightFax 9.4 and it's Service Release 5 update? I have had success silently installing the 9.4 Right Fax client and uninstalling it but I am running into trouble with the update. When I attempt to use the same switches provided by the Vendor PDF (/quiet=true, /unattended=true, etc.) I find that the .exe terminates prematurely. The differences are Update.exe used by the service release versus the setup.exe used by the 9.4 client.

I have thoroughly scoured the internet via Google for solutions or vendor support but have come up dry on information regarding Service Release 5. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Posted by: ekniranjan 14 years ago
Purple Belt
Hi Helpy,
Have you Checked in SoftwareKB or else here is that link
check it out.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Normally, when EXEs exit "prematurely", it's because they have launched another, separate process. Check the list of processes running as you execute the EXE in question: I'm pretty sure you'll see it kick off something else.
Posted by: Helpy 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for the replies. I was able to figure it out after breaking down my code into smaller pieces. I needed to manually end the FAXCTRL.exe and SPOOLSV.exe before the update runs and then restart them after it has completed. When the update is run manually the application is designed to find these two processes, end them, run the update and then restart them once it is completed.

Appreciate the help. Hopefully this helps someone else avoid a few headaches.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
In that case, you should build into your VBS a mechanism to stop the relevant services (if they're run as services) or to kill the processes before installation continues. Remember to code properly and ALWAYS test that every operation succeeds before moving to the next one.
Posted by: Helpy 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I found the command line switches for Service Release 5 provided by the vendor, Captaris, in the Readme file of all places. I have submitted them for approval for the Package KB page and will list them below because they are slightly different than the ones used in the original 9.4 client install.


The install program runs with no user interaction.

Reinstalls the service release.

Setup displays a progress bar and will not require user input except in the case of an error.

To install the service release, RightFax services and processes must be shut down and then restarted after the installation is finished.

If you are running a passive or quiet installation, you must use this command to shut down and restart the RightFax services during the installation. If this command is not used, the installation will fail.

Use this option if you do not want the install program to restart RightFax services and processes when the installation is finished.

Specifies the destination folder where the files and folders for the service release will be extracted.

The log file “ExtractingFiles_<date_time>.log” will be created in the named folder.
Posted by: njseq 14 years ago
Yellow Belt

The problem with RightFax 9.4 client is that we cannot use the command line from 9.3, they changed that.

We now use a SETUP.EXE which has limited command switches and it calls the RightFax Cliente Suite.MSI to install. However we cannot call the MSI alone, we must always call the SETUP.EXE.

I miss the command line to place the LOG file into another folder not the c:\%username%\Appdata\temp (windows 7 clients) and this happens with a unattended install batch file. So I need another folder and not the profile folder because I use a system account to massive install this.

Any suggestion?


Kind regards,

Posted by: pjgeutjens 14 years ago
Red Belt
We now use a SETUP.EXE which has limited command switches and it calls the RightFax Cliente Suite.MSI to install. However we cannot call the MSI alone, we must always call the SETUP.EXE.

just gonna throw this out there, but you've already tried passing ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 to the MSI on the command line?
Posted by: blizzster 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hello Guys,

Seems that Rightfax 9.4 only fails when is launched remotely.

I used the --- setup.exe /quiet=true /allowShutdown=true /add="FaxUtil, EFM" /rightFaxServer="server1"

This script works flawlessly when you launch it from the workstation you want it installed either by using a batch file or vbscript call,etc. The problem start when you try to do remote installs with SMS or PSexec. I psexec to pass the batch file to the remote machine and I can see the Setup.exe launch and the PSEXEC session will close. I modified the script so that it will wait for the setup.exe to finish before closing the session but it will just sit there and hang. The service support lady suggested me to use psexec -i ..... (-i = interactive) and that the user at the other end have to respond to finish with the install process.. This is nuts.. I spend 5hrs working on this and found out that the package is not built to be installed remotely. I might just break it appart and repackage it with Wise Studio.

Anyone else had better luck than me? I need to push this to 700 workstation. I saw someone did get it to work by modifying the msi file. I guess there is no other choice.
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
I guess that it runs from an UNC path when launched remotely? Maybe that's where it goes wrong. Try to add a temporary drivemapping while executing the script and otherwise just stay with the local copy.
Posted by: teh_tourist 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm trying to update to 9.4 FP1 SP3 and I'm using the batch file
Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="FaxUtil,EFM" /rightFaxServer="hcsvr03"
everything seems to run okay, no errors. But when I go to check the about.. windows in rightfax it doesn't show that it's been updated. What am I doing wrong?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
'Help/About' doesn't always get its information from where you might expect. Always check the main EXE's file version information. Even then, it's not unknown for vendors to not update this.
Posted by: michaelnowell 14 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
We now use a SETUP.EXE which has limited command switches and it calls the RightFax Cliente Suite.MSI to install. However we cannot call the MSI alone, we must always call the SETUP.EXE.

Actually, it's a little tricky but you can call the MSI alone for this install. You have to add the additional registry keys into your MST that are generated by the Installshield installation, include some custom actions to create the RightFAX printer (and remove it during uninstall) and port, restart the spooler service and register some dll's.

We've been installing various versions of this using the MSI (with Transform) for quite a while without issue.
Posted by: MikeStover 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
RightFax 9.4 FP1 SR3 introduced support for Microsoft Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe). Open Text recommends its usage over setup.exe.

Open Text has published a new Installation Guide that details the usage and switches available with the Msiexec.exe. Check out that guide for even more information.

To silent install on a client machine, a typical command line would be:
msiexec.exe /i "RightFax Product Suite - Client.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress RUNBYRIGHTFAXSETUP=2 CONFIGUREFAXCTRL=1 ADDLOCAL="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl,EFM,Outlook" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\RightFax" RFSERVERNAME=<myservername>
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