
Capture issues SAP Front End 6.4

G'Day Everyone,

I'm having some trouble with a capture of SAP 6.4 with WPS 5.6.

When I do the capture I'm not getting all the entries in the ProgId table from the Class table. I've tried various snapshots with and without SM rebooting during capture and opening the app once SAP has been installed.
Unfortunately they all finish up with the same result of about 120 entries missing in the ProgId table, yet the advertising details under Features Tab appear to be all there. I've started the slow process of adding each entry (is there a better way?).

I've ticked the option box to rescan advertising information on compile in WFWI.

All required Merge Modules are added to the installation.

Any advise or help is greatly appreciated; as I'm wearing out my capture box.


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Answers (19)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
SelfReg is the spawn of the Devil. Turn off the option which causes WPS to populate that table and use WiseComCapture to populate the correct tables. I've emailed my script to you.

MSDE is a localised, cut-down SQL Server so, unless you need to host a local SQL Server-type database, installing it seems like overkill. What error do you get, if any, when you run that command line outside the MSI?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
Use WiseComCapture to create .REGs for your DLLs and OCXs then import the .REGs into your WPS project. Select 'Yes' when asked if you want to use advertising tables.

A few days ago I posted a script here to automate the .REG creation, as it's painful if you have more than a couple. One day, Wise will provide a proper tool for this. Heck, we're only at v7, there's plenty of time yet...
Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks VB,

I have about 160 entries to capture[8D] I've never used the Comcapture tool before (never had to). Looking at the doco; it looks as if I have to run the exe for each dll or ocx that did not get captured in my setup.

I went searching for your script and couldn't find it, would you mind posting it or sending it to me?

Appreciate your help,

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
You're right: you do have to do each file. As I say, one day Altiris will wake up and provide a tool to do this properly or a GUI to a batchable WiseComCapture.

The script was actually posted in the Altiris 'Package Development' forum. D'oh! I won't post it here as it comes in at 50K-odd so PM me with an email address and I'll do it that way. If anyone else would like it, do the same.
Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
Hey VB,

Appreciate the reply. My email is available by clicking on the link to my profile.

I ended up copying the SelfReg table into a csv and creating a spreadsheet with the commandline requirements. Saved it as .cmd file and ran it on my capture box with SAP 6.4 natively installed.

It actually was 340 entries (from selfreg table; which I didn't realise) which got wittled down to about 270 entries that had registered(lolts of dll's did not have any entries at all, which is curious). Then I ran the captured msi and when it bombed I either supplied the .reg file from the Comcapture or deleted the typelib entry to get around the obligitory 1911 error. It was a bit slow but now the package is stopping at the SQLBase.msm. So I've made some progress[8D].

This error (in SQLBase.msm) is when it runs the custom action ConfigServer.
It seems to have trouble running the commandline: Executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe -V 1 -M 1 -U sa -I "MSSQLSERVER" -Q "Latin1_General_CI_AS""
Does anyone have any ideas how to get around this in the merge module for SQLBase?

I'm wondering if the SQL merge modules need installing at all, or should I install the MSDE 2000 SP3a separately beforehand?

Posted by: aogilmor 17 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

This error (in SQLBase.msm) is when it runs the custom action ConfigServer.
It seems to have trouble running the commandline: Executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe -V 1 -M 1 -U sa -I "MSSQLSERVER" -Q "Latin1_General_CI_AS""
Does anyone have any ideas how to get around this in the merge module for SQLBase?

I'm wondering if the SQL merge modules need installing at all, or should I install the MSDE 2000 SP3a separately beforehand?


That would be my preference. I like to minimize the use of merge modules
Doesn't SQL server have a runtime?
Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks VB,

Your right the SQL MM's were an overkill, but I had an earlier capture of the basic SAPGui 6.4 without all the Business Features selected. The differences between the 2 captures was all the missing ProgID's.
I've spoken to the SAP administrator who assures me there are no requirements for a local SQL service on the box; but he did recommend thier proprietory installation using SAPAdmin.exe. Ths method doesn't suite our requirements; so "a packaging we did go".

I had tried running the ConfigServer from the commandline during the install and it threw up the error of "Cannot find file" even when the MYSQL service was started manually. I read somewhere that even MS doesn't recommend using the SQL MM's anymore, but to deploy the MSDE separately.

I also confirmed there is no SQL service when SAP 6.4 is natively installed (I should have checked this out earlier[8|], my Bad).

So I've dropped the SQL MM and fixed up the install errors. Used the customised vbscript from the Tricks and Tips section for modifying the services file (thanks to Michele Possamai; though I should brush up on my German I think).
I'll add the SAP patches as a post capture. Then it's off for UAT.

In reply to Owen,
Yep, I agree; we have a lot of setup captures of some really bizarre apps here. The most trouble we have is when we select a MM outside of the normal MS dll and ocx backward compatables.

Yes, we can deploy a standalone MSDE to the box separately if the user requires it.

Many thanks people.

VB, noticed your a bit low on the old tally, and I've appreciated your posts and advice.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
Er, my contention was that MSDE was overkill, not the MMs. Anyway, you're sorted, or on the way at least.

As for my tally...I had been thinking lately that I'd been a bit too active and that I should get on with my work! Equally, I thought, a chap needs something to do while yet another test of SAS 9.1.3's silent uninstall runs...
Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
this is already an MSI and it also has its own packaging tool.

run up the packaging tool which is on the original source CD. I think its under netsetup or support or something like that.

You create the tool it will give you a GUID reference then you need to execute an exe. call netsetup.exe or something like that with the argument of the GUID created in the tool.

Its pretty easy sorry I dont have more info I haven't done this for a long long time. Just search the source CD should only take an hour once you find the tool.
Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
G'Day John,

Sorry a quick question and a little clarification; you said:
"this is already an MSI and it also has its own packaging tool." Are you talking about MSDE or the SAP GUI 6.4?

We did not receive the original source CD for SAP as our install CD was from a Corporate IT service provider with thier custom features specified in the installation document.

Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
ok it does appear to be an EXE however it is simply a wrapper which launches multiple individual MSI's which are buried deep in the folder structures of the source.

the only reason I found it was an MSI is that I too originally captured it and noticed all the MSI registry keys were included as well as a bunch of Darwin Descriptors. So then i decided to hunt around on the source where I found the Netsetup tool.

It is pretty good except I did find that it had a flaw in how it handled the Services and hosts files (from memory) last time I touched this was a year or two ago.

So in order to get around that I created a Services and hosts file script which I called as a CA and updated the two respective files. Then I removed the Service / host file from the package. This is because it replaces the files instead of updating them. As such if you have customised hosts file already it gets smoked.

I would try to get the source media as this tool is invaluable for packaging SAP, as it offers considerable flexibility.

Im sorry I cant be of more assistance with the toolname as I no longer have access to the source media. I will see if any of the guys who remain onsite can look it up for you.

Ill get back to you.

Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks John,

That would be handy to have a msi for SAP to configure rather than the path I've taken. It appears everyone else has either snapshot it or just used the exe (which leaves a whole lot to be desired).
I've used the custom script already which appends and [de?]pends the services file successfully.

I noticed you posted on Friday about certificates. I have 2 to insert. Where would be the best default place in my installation to place these .cer so that certmgr can execute them in a CA? Program Files or Windows folder (XP OS only).

Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
I found some notes I had on this

have a look for SAPAdmin.exe and SapSetup.exe on your source media.

SapAdmin created the unattended info, Sapsetup.exe then executes it

The sapadmin creates a GUID reference which is then launched with sapsetup /p:{guid}

I guess a quick google would show up more detail on this.

As for the Certs I guess it doesnt really matter a whole bunch as the certs are imported to a cert store as such they are only required long enough to be registered in the store.

[#certname] is probably the go for the CA then you can put it whereever you like.
Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
it may be worth getting a second opinion on the certs, its not something I have done alot nor researched much.

due to the time that you answered does that put you in Australia ?
Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt

found this as well
Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
G'Day John,

Thanks for the links; I've investigated the SAPAdmin setup which didn't suite our deployment requirements.

Found that certmgr.exe doesn't deploy silently. Problem with this method methinks. So I've had to AutoIT the Security Warning notification. I'll post back when I've finished my testing for the benefit of everyone. I've placed them in the ProgramFilesFolder.

Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
G'Day Everyone,

Still on the SAP GUI bandwagon[8|] and custom .cer files; sorry to bother you all again, I'll lay low after this; promise[;)]

I've got a problem with running the certngr.exe using AutoIT generated script on the uninstall of my 2 custom certificates in the Systemstore.
When I run the command line manually (using the -del switch) the result is CertMgr succeeded.However the 2 certificates still appear in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities list.

I don't think I've got the commandline syntax correct:
certmgr.exe -c "my certificate filename" -s Root -del
My CA has condition REMOVE~="ALL" and I've placed it in Execute Deferred after InstallInitialized so that the file is not removed from ProgramFilesFolder before executing.

What I don't understand from the documentation is, do I need to specify a path or reg entry in the quotes. Has anyone used certmgr to delete certificates embedded in their msi. I'm deploying using GP before login.
The install runs nicely using a dummy regkey and self repair in the user context.

Any advice or guidance appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Posted by: jmcfadyen 17 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt

What context is this running in ? As you are running via GP prior to login there will be no user profiles loaded during the deployment. As such a user based CA is likely to fail.

Also System CA may also fail if they are accessing network resources as the local system account will only have access to local resources unless the machine accounts are granted network resource access.

Hope this is not too confusing ? So in other words a Deferred System CA should be the go assuming its accessing a local file which from your post I am assuming you are doing.

You could also try using cmd /k so you can see what is happening during the execution of the CA.

Posted by: WayneB 17 years ago
Blue Belt
Thanks John,

I've abandoned using certmgr.exe as an executable call in my CA (Deferred & SystemContext)
Running the certmgr with the -del switch from commandline manually failed to remove the Root certificate.

What I've done is called the install and the uninstall using 2 AutoIT generated executables accessing my 2 Certificates and certmgr.exe installed locally.

I could have left the certificates installed, but this would have neccessitated a custom property check condition on install and I don't exactly know where to check for the appsearch. It's buried in the registry somewhere along with the other root certificate authorities.

Anyway, I'm almost finished (just getting my Tabs in the right order[8D]). Spent way too long on this and works piling up.

Thanks everyone for your advice and help with this.

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