
Challenge with Software Updates deployment using SCCM12

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Hello Guys,

We have SCCM 12 environment and have about 10 local DP's for each location.

The Primary Server is in US and we administer all the deployments using this.

Now, we are deploying software updates to China workstations and the machines are downloading updates from the Primary Server instead of the Local DP in china - which is causing high utilization of MPLS traffic and making other applications like Oracle to stop working.

Can you let me know what needs to be done in this case.

Also, we have a GPO in place for china region: Intranet Microsoft Update Service Location which is pointing to the primary site.

Could this be the issue?

Please help me out on this.

Thank you very much!

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • How do you gather the updates? Do you use an ADR? If so, the deployment settings of the ADR allow you to configure downloadeing the updates from the DP in the site default boundary group. - Loei 4 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: rileyz 4 years ago
Red Belt

Taking a punt here, as I'm not a SCCM pro, and no one else has provided anything.

Check your boundaries, and defo worth checking that GPO you mentioned - just move a computer object out so the GPO dosent apply, and check.

Good luck.

Posted by: Loei 4 years ago
Orange Belt
How do you gather the updates? Do you use an ADR? If so, the deployment settings of the ADR allow you to configure downloadeing the updates from the DP in the site default boundary group.

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