
Changing default directory icon

I am using Wise Installation v9 Professional. The package I am creating is very very simple however there is one step I am struggling to overcome. Basically I am copying two files to the local hard drive and then creating shortcuts on the desktop to these files. The problem is that I am placing the shortcuts in a folder on the desktop. My client wants a different icon for the FOLDER than the default one. How do I change this icon? I can change the icons of the files no problem - but cannot change the design of the folder. It is possible to change the design of the folder manually through the OS but there doesn't appear to be this option in Wise.
I am using Windows XP Professional

Many thanks for your help.
Le Gran Fromage

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Answers (6)

Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Ciao Il Grande Formaggio!

The folder icon is changed by a hidden file called "Desktop.ini" inside the folder itself. You should be able to copy the file in your package.

Hope this helps!
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
For "completeness" (not sure that's a word), I thought I'd show an example of the contents of the desktop.ini file.


Technically, an "ini" file should be modified using the "IniFile" table, but in this particular case it may be easier to use the "File" table because you can use the "Attributes" column to add the "msidbFileAttributesSystem" and "msidbFileAttributesHidden" attributes that the file requires. Obviously, this can easily be done using a custom action too.
Posted by: TheBigCheese 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
First of all - many thanks for this information. I have done the following steps:
I have selected a new ini file named desktop.ini and located in the folder on the desktop where the shortcuts reside. I have set the file attributes to system and hidden.
When I run the installation the files are copied, the shortcuts are created in the folder and the desktop.ini exists. However, the design of the folder still remains as the default. It is as though the ini is somehow not associated.

Thanks again for your help with this
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
I can't explain why, but it seems that the folder also must have the "Read Only" attribute set!

Try running "Attrib +R" against your folder.
Posted by: bishy 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Well, I know you asked this question nearly 2 years ago. but just in case you never found out why the stupid folder didnt do what it was told from desktop.ini the reason is you need do this to the folder aswell "Attrib +s <FolderName>" that makes it system, you was close 'wiseuser' with readonly :p

Hope thats not too late :(
Posted by: usachrisk 16 years ago
Purple Belt
May not have helped the OP 2 years later but it helped me today -- I knew that the desktop.ini had to be +s +h but I didn't know that the folder itself had to be +s. I googled around and very few other pages are referencing this.
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