
Chrome Uninstall

I'm about to embark on installing Chrome Enterprise on our users PC. In orderto do this I need to uninstall the "user" version of chrome from everyones PC. While I can do this by running "Chrome.exe -uninstall", I can't find any way of doing this silently. I beleve there is an option to do this if you run the setup.exe from "C:\Documents and Settings\userID\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\14.0.835.186\Installer\setup.exe" however, as can be seen, this folder structure contains the version number form the install - and this can be different on different PCs. Can anyone suggest a command line uninstall for this that would work silently on any PC?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: davidthebourne 11 years ago
White Belt


Here is a way to remove Google Chrome from any Windows 7 machine that sits inside the AppData folder.

This first uninstalls then pulls all user data from the 'Google' folder, ensuring a clean uninstall.

This works with all versions of Chrome.

Batch file:

for /D %%i in ("C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\*") do ( if exist "%%i\installer\setup.exe" "%%i\installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --multi-install --chrome --verbose-logging --force-uninstall --delete-profile)

rmdir /s /q "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google"




  • This works well. Thanks! - worzie 10 years ago
Posted by: emgz01 13 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Try using --uninstall --force-uninstall

  • Did we ever come up with a way to silently remove the consumer version of Chrome? I can make batch files, etc all day but making that dialog box "Are you sure you want to uninstall Google Chrome?" still stays. I can scriptomatically end-task chrome.exe but then the install stops. What a poor product Google Chrome is. - MarkRingo 11 years ago
Posted by: mcvpjd3 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Tried that - doesn't work - pops up the "Are you sure you want to uninstall Google Crome" box (with the Delete browsing Data check box).

Posted by: satnix 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Just checked Google's help centre
READ THIS BEFORE Trying the below registry key:


The registry key governing uninstall:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; WARNING, this file will remove Google Chrome registry entries
; from your Windows Registry. Consider backing up your registry before
; using this file: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756

; To run this file, save it as 'remove.reg' on your desktop and double-click it.






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