
Cisco IP Communicator v7.0.4

Cisco provides an MSI for this application - I have created an MST with the custom settings. There is a custom action that installs the CDP Driver, it prompts a msg box asking to install the CDP Driver. I need to build a silent install package for this application. Is there any way to bypass this prompt? Any help would be greatful.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Would you mind removing your duplicate post, please?
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
Does the popup look like this by any chance?

If that's the case, the driver probably isn't signed and there's no way around it... Except for signing the driver yourself. Do a little search here on the forum and you'll find some topics about it.
Posted by: ns_hh 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I stumbled into the same problem with version and Win 7 x64. I solved it by using Prism Pictaker to capture what happens after checking "always trust this publisher" and then "install". I got two blobs in registry which I exported. On clients I apply these certificates before running setup and avoid the warning from Windows. With Prism Deploy the install script ends up something like:

/ScriptVer 5
If OSVersion = OS.Version.Win7 AND OSBits = OS.Bits.64Bit
/InstallPackage \\server.xx.yy\share\CiscoIPCommunicator_trusted.PWC
/run /wait msiexec /i \\server.xx.yy\share\CiscoIPCommunicatorSetup.msi /norestart /Qn

The .pwc above only contains the two blobs I found under the keys below. Export them from registry and import on clients and it should work.

I found no option to attach the relevant .reg-files.
Posted by: KentD 13 years ago
Purple Belt
This was fixed in release 7.0.6 - Took them awhile to fix this problem. See release note CSCtj02176 on Cicso.com
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