Cisco VPN profile problems when using SCCM 2012
Hello, my company is still using Cisco VPN client for Windows 7 64-bit. I decided to try and make the app available in Config manager 2012. The only problem I am having is with the .pcf profile. Normally, you would have the profile (.pcf) file in the same directory as the MSI file, and the install automatically copies the profile to the Profiles folder. This isn't working when installing from the software center. SCCM copies all the install files including the profile to the ccmcache folder like it should, but the install itself doesn't copy the profile into 'program files (x86)\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\Profiles'. I narrowed this down to a custom action that is failing in the msi. This custom action is called 'CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir' and it calls on a Cisco exe file called Callmsihelper12 to copy the profile using a command line. Basically it goes something like this: -cmd CopyAndBackupFiles -src "[SourceDir]" -dst "[INSTALLDIR]Profiles" -file *.pcf -rb 0. Specifically, it's having a problem with the [SourceDir]. It has no problem copying the profile if I run the install directly from the PC using the same command line that I do in config manager. If I replace [SourceDir] with the exact path to the files on the server, it works, but I was wondering if anyone knew of something else I can replace [SourceDir] with to tell it the source is in the ccmcache folder. Or perhaps there is a way to change what the [SourceDir] points to somehow? I looked in the tables and actions with Admin studio and could not find anything.
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9 years ago
[OriginalDatabase] points to the location where the MSI file is run from. However, have you logged the installation verbosely to determine where SourceDir is pointing?
Thanks, I will try that. Yes, I have tried verbose logging, and this is what it says:
MSI (s) (A0:78) [11:18:33:663]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir,Description=Copy PCF Files....,)
MSI (s) (A0:78) [11:18:33:667]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir,ActionType=3138,Source=BinaryData,Target=-cmd CopyAndBackupFiles -src "" -dst "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\Profiles" -file *.pcf -rb 0,)
MSI (s) (A0:78) [11:18:33:704]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CsCaExe_CopyExtVpnClientIniToInstallDir,Description=Copy vpnclient.ini...,)
CustomAction CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir returned actual error code 87 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Notice for the source it just shows "" ? - chriz78 9 years ago -
Tried using [OriginalDatabase] instead of [SourceDir]. Didn't seem to work, here is the verbose logging:
MSI (s) (08:84) [11:49:49:252]: Doing action: CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir
Action ended 11:49:49: CsCaVBS_CopyINIFiles. Return value 1
MSI (s) (08:84) [11:49:49:252]: Transforming table CustomAction.
MSI (s) (08:84) [11:49:49:252]: Note: 1: 2235 2: 3: ExtendedType 4: SELECT `Action`,`Type`,`Source`,`Target`, NULL, `ExtendedType` FROM `CustomAction` WHERE `Action` = 'CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir'
MSI (s) (08:84) [11:49:49:252]: Transforming table CustomAction.
Action start 11:49:49: CsCaExe_CopyExtPcfToInstallDir. - chriz78 9 years ago -
I made a batch file which only contained the same msiexec command I used in Config Manager, but when I ran that batch file in Config Manager the profile copy worked. No idea why that way works and the normal way does not....but I'm just going to go with it. - chriz78 9 years ago
Этот казино выдает такую большую отдачу, что порой я думаю, что это миллианер какой просто раздает деньги.
Раз Вы здесь, значит Вы ищите рабочую ссылку - - 115joyjuh 7 years ago