
Citrix ICA Client 8.1 Packaging

I've packaged Citrix ICA Client 8.1 for Win32 using an MST. I used Adminstudio and everything worked fine but I was wondering if anybody has had any luck with being able to get the pass through authtecation to work. This means that user doesn't have to put in their login details to pick up the published apps. I thought it might have had something to do with adding EnableSSOnThruICAFile component to the system properties. This has not worked. Has anybody been able to allow pass through authentication in citrix? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
This was by design when Citrix released the version 7 client packages.

Please see http://support.citrix.com/kb/entry!default.jspa?categoryID=149&entryID=3936&fromSearchPage=true
Posted by: stup9togo 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Cheers, I tried running the above MST aswell but still no success. I think the problem is that the ini file which the info resides in is only created when you first access Citrix. It is created in appdata in the users profile. I've also noticed that a reboot is required or it will not keep the settings which you have changed.

It looks like I might need to come up with some sort of Custom Action. I think a crash course on VBScript is required
Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I don't understand where you are going wrong with this.

I have used this MST before and deployed the package to the computer via GPO. The user clicks on the Citrix PN icon, the application performs an install-on-demand for the current user, and the INI settings are written. Perfect.
Posted by: stup9togo 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Sorry for not being clearer.

I've created an MST using Installshield. I've deleted the pn.src and appsrv.src in the mst and replaced with my own configured pn.src and appsrc.ini files(I've found out if there are parameters in here they will be copied to the users local profile). However it doesn't seem to work. I use the following command line to install the msi

msiexec /i c:\ica32pkg.msi TRANSFORMS=c:\slfregfix.mst; c:\ica32pkg.mst /qn

My aim is to be able to double click the Citrix icon and for all relevent apps to be published to the users desktop. I can configure appsrc.ini so it points to the correct farm for its default but I can't get it to use the local user and password.

Thanks for all the above assistance. I'm just starting (as you may have guessed) and I have about 5 months to package about 40-50 apps. Its mind boggling.
Posted by: sjonkie 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
bit late but you can try these in appsrv.ini:

Posted by: Smith500 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi there,

The appsrv.ini file and the pn.ini files live in two places - 1 is in the Citrix programs folder and the second is in the users profile.

For a clean install there will not be a copy in the user profile but if you already have a client in place or there are copies of these files in the default user profile which was copied to the clients they may already have copies of the ini files. In this case you need to delete them out of the users profiles so that they get recreated from the ones you have put in your install.

Having the right lines in the appsrv.ini file in the program files folder won't help if they are not in the appsrv.ini file in the users profile.
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