
Clean install or imaging

Hey all,

I have 80 Dell laptops (12 models), 80 Dell desktops (10 models) spread across two sites that have a dedicated WAN link (10Mb) that I have been tasked with to deploy Windows 7.

Considering the number of models I am dealing should I be looking at clean installs rather than imaging?

This will be my first foray into automating OS deployments so any useful guidance is greatfully appreciated.


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Answers (3)

Posted by: riversidekid 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I prefer clean installs, although the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) will do free and clean install via scripting on each. Many other deployment tools are available, most for a price so posting your current tools available or your budget might be helpful.
Posted by: rmeyer 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I prefer scripted install aswell, since you won't have to update images
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Scripted install would definitely be the flexible option here. Of course that means your library of post install tasks might need to be more robust to install more than just the OS.
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