
Computer not being able to connect to KACE2000 to capture image

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I don't think I really understand how this works. If I want to capture an image of a notebook that currently is running Windows 8 don't I just need a NIC driver that will work in order to connect to the KACE 2000 to capture the image.

I am getting an error about not being able to connect and I suspect I need to add a newer NIC driver to the driver share.

In an article on KACE support it says:

After copying the drivers to the appropriate location you will need to re-cache the drivers under Library | Manage Drivers. Manage Drivers is found in the Overview tab under Library...

Now build a new KBE boot environment using the latest version of Media Manager from the K2000.  You will need WAIK for Windows 7 to build a WinPE 3 KBE or ADK for Windows 8 to build a WinPE 4 KBE. Your new KBE boot environment will include the new drivers that were added above.

Can I just rebuild the one for Windows 7 to get the new drivers or do I need to build one for Windows 8? We are not really wanting to go to Windows 8 yet. This is just a test.



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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

you can do that with win7 pe but you should download the adk and build one for win 8 - x32 and x64 with the right drivers to capture a win 8 image  they do not take that much space or work.  This will allow the extended attributes in win8 to be captured also.  We have no plans of going to win8 yet but this allows us to capture images from laptops other depts have bought and run win 8 OS.  Also the win 8 pe may already have those drivers in it.

  • I agree, you'll be glad you got ready early. Besides, your "test" is exactly what you said you're not doing yet, but here you are... - nheyne 11 years ago
    • the boot env's are easy to delete if you do not go with win 8 also - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Another lame question that I could probably find out on my own, but do have to be on a Windows 8 computers to make the KBE? - jfrasier 11 years ago
    • Hmm I am checking into that now... - nheyne 11 years ago
    • It looks like you can be on Windows 7 and install the ADK. - nheyne 11 years ago
      • my tech station is win 7-32 and I can upload both 7&8 32&64 from that station. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
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