
Conditionally displaying a dialog

How do you conditionally display a dialog during installation? I added a dialog with the User Interface editor in Visual Studio .NET. However, I only want to display the dialog if something is something is not installed and there is no "condition" property for dialogs. Any ideas?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Bladerun 19 years ago
Green Belt
Easiest way is probably to use a Wisescript in Wise Packaging studios. If you install is an msi you can insert your wisescript in a custom action, if its an exe, you can repackage it in Wise and add your script in with the install.
Posted by: Galen 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I don't have Wise Packaging Studios. All I have is Visual Studio .NET and Orca.
Posted by: nmi 19 years ago
Orange Belt

I don't have Wise Packaging Studios. All I have is Visual Studio .NET and Orca.

This may be a possible solution to your problem, I've found it works for me anyway.

Using Orca, open the CustomAction table.
Add a row with the following:

Action Type Text
anyname 19 <Text you want to display>

Note the source field is not used.

In the InstallExecuteSequence add a new row with the following:

Action Condition Sequence
anyname NOT Installed 201

In this example it will produce a dialogue if the product is not installed. Remember to keep anyname the same in the InstallExecuteSequence as in the CustomAction table. You can replace "NOT Installed" with whatever condition you need.

The 201 sequence just ensures that it is checked first.

Hope this helps

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