
Converting from and MSI to a ISM project

I am using Admin Studio 6 with Installshield 10.0

I have been working with the MSI. I found that I can only safe an MSI which does not seem to insert any new files I have added to what I want in the MSI. It looks to me that when you save the MSI it is only saving the changes to the Database.

It seems I need to be using the ISM file and rebuild the project which adds the files to the MSI.

My problem is that I have a bunch of MSI that I built with certain files and Custom actions. Yet my ISM does not have these pieces and I need to add a file. Can I Import what I have in the MSI to the ISM? I have looked all around and can not find a way to do this.



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Answers (1)

Posted by: ssweb 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Considering that there has not been any answer to this I am assuming that this can not be done.

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