
Corel Draw - any way to bypass local admin?

Greets, I have set up Corel Draw 11 for deployment as follows:

- edited Corel Graphics Suite 11.msi with Wise removing all instances of registration.exe in order to stop the registration prompt at the end of installation
- recorded setup.iss
- tested installation successfully with setup.exe /s /f1setup.iss

However Corel Draw requires that the logged on user is local admin during installation,
even LANDesk can't complete the installation as SYSTEM ACCOUNT.
(might be that the Corel setup.exe doesn't keep system acount settings when forking off the msi's)

Any ideas on why Corel requires local admin and how to bypass this?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 16 years ago
Red Belt
I don't know the Corel package but this behaviour is normally due to a property being set. I generally look for all instances of the word 'admin' or, more commonly - particularly with InstallShield-authored packages - 'privileged'. These will normally occur as part of a conditioned action, e.g. 'If Privileged' or 'If Privileged=1', something like that. Find the action, remove the condition and you're set.

ORIGINAL: another_visitor
Greets, I have set up Corel Draw 11 for deployment as follows:
- edited Corel Graphics Suite 11.msi with Wise <snip>

Obviously, if an MSI is vendor-supplied (as in this case) these changes ought to be made via a transform, not in the original MSI.If you *have* edited the original, you can revert to the back-up you took. You took a back-up, right?
Posted by: another_visitor 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I don't know the Corel package but this behaviour is normally due to a property being set. I generally look for all instances of the word 'admin' or, more commonly - particularly with InstallShield-authored packages - 'privileged'. These will normally occur as part of a conditioned action, e.g. 'If Privileged' or 'If Privileged=1', something like that. Find the action, remove the condition and you're set.

- Thanks mate, will look into this

ORIGINAL: another_visitor
Greets, I have set up Corel Draw 11 for deployment as follows:
- edited Corel Graphics Suite 11.msi with Wise <snip>

Obviously, if an MSI is vendor-supplied (as in this case) these changes ought to be made via a transform, not in the original MSI.If you *have* edited the original, you can revert to the back-up you took. You took a back-up, right?

- no worries with backup of the original media :) At first I tried using a recorded installation but the registration prompt still appeared at the end of the installation, which caused problems running it silent. I will check a bit more into using a transform tho, might be a good point keeping the MSI as original as possible.
Posted by: karshi 16 years ago
Purple Belt
Hello all,
I am facing similar problems with Corel Draw Graphics Suite 14 package.
I want to suppress registration popup.
I tried with procmon and taking gap capture of the instance;but am unable to locate the element responsible for this popup.
It would be great to get any help.
Thanx in advance!
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