
Create a Script/Package in SCCM to Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client from Clients PCs

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I need to come with a script or package in SCCM to uninstall the SEE client from several PCs in SCCM collection.

I have tried several methods and scripts with no luck.

I have already decrypted the users drives through the SEE console, I just need to remove the client.

Thank you

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  • I tried this procedure and got he log file but no mention to the password property. - mohamed82 4 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 4 years ago
Red Belt
You might see the password being set in a property at the end of the log file.

Remember that properties passed on the command line are only processed if they are public properties. These are easily identified because they are in all upper-case.

  • I couldn't find the password property in the log file.

    Also I searched in the SEE documentation no mention to this - mohamed82 4 years ago
Posted by: rileyz 4 years ago
Red Belt

It looks like a standard MSI.


If you goto the computer and find the MSI ProductCode for SEE, you should be able to uninstall using the msiexec commands.

Have a dig around in the registry, the product code should be stored in in the uninstall bit.

*look in the correct bitness location, depending on app.

  • Thank you for the reply, however I have already tried this document with the below, and it is not mentioning anything about the product GUID, it is not working as well.

    (Optional) To uninstall the all of the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client features, enter one the following commands:

    For 32-bit systems:

    msiexec -x "[Path]\SEE Client.msi" /l*v LogFilePath

    For 64-bit systems:

    msiexec -x "[Path]\SEE Client x64.msi" /l*v LogFilePath - mohamed82 4 years ago
    • You need to goto a computer with the product installed and find the ProductCode for your install of SEE. Hopefully this will be the same ProductCode for all your installs*. The best way to find the ProductCode is goto the registry location mentioned above and do a find for "Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client" (use the exact name used in the Add/Remove programs for better search results).

      What I'm recommending is uninstalling SEE using the product code ie.
      msiexec /x {XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX} /qn

      *If the ProductCode is different for some of your installs, you could try this method as well. https://www.urtech.ca/2019/09/solved-command-line-to-uninstall-software-exes-or-msis/ - rileyz 4 years ago
      • Thank you for the reply,
        I tried this method and it is kind of working to initiate the uninstall, but it prompts for the administration password for SEE uninstall, which is not what it is meant to be, the script should uninstall from all client machines silently and automatically.
        not sure what I am missing here ! - mohamed82 4 years ago
      • Look up the documentation for SEE. You might be able to pass the uninstaller a property (ie the password). An example would be msiexec /x {XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX} NameOfProperty=Password /qn.

        What you could do, again is, uninstall from a machine with SEE using the uninstall command and enable logging. Use your command, but instead enable logging and interactive mode. msiexec /x {XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX} /qb /l*vx C:\Uninstall_File.log

        The /qb will show the uninstall GUI, you can put in the password. After uninstalling you should get the log file, search the log file for the password. You might see the password being set in a property at the end of the log file.

        note: use /qn when uninstalling from SCCM, qn hides the GUI/non interactive. - rileyz 4 years ago

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