create an MSI that I can rollout via AD
I’ve tried several MSI packaging utilities, WIWW, Advanced Installer, MSI create, and Veritas MSI Discovery. None seam to work the way I’d hoped.
Q- All I’m trying to do is create an MSI that I can rollout via AD. In the first case I have an EXE and a TXT that has the license information in it. All these utilities do, is install the exe to the target. I need then to execute (run) the EXE file to start the installation to the target. What am I doing wrong?
Q- All I’m trying to do is create an MSI that I can rollout via AD. In the first case I have an EXE and a TXT that has the license information in it. All these utilities do, is install the exe to the target. I need then to execute (run) the EXE file to start the installation to the target. What am I doing wrong?
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