Customizing .MST transforms for vendor released .MSI - Best Practices?
Let me use Java JRE 7.40 as an example. I am using the vendor bits, offline installer MSI for java 7.40. I have created an .mst transform to apply settings for what my company wants to use in the property tables(updates off, hidden systray, etc).
I was wondering what best practice other people and companies have defined in their orginizations or businesses for naming, descriptive info, or MST settings different folks have developed. Like naming, info, any descriptive fields or properties related to a mst for tracking or setting audit reg keys , etc?
Any examples would be awesome, simple or complex.
Ive been searching the forums here , havnt found an area for this - if there is one - a link or advise on how to search/find this.
thank you
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Be the first to answer this question - tecrumors 11 years ago
My qestion here is more related to developing a best practice to naming or documenting transforms and how people like to do that. - indierox 11 years ago
For example I may leave a note in AD saying ‘requires a reboot’ or ‘64bit only’ - accesser 11 years ago
Invariably, there will also be either a document or a ReadMe.TXT that goes alongside the package for support Johnnies to refer to, so that they can see what's been added, removed, edited, whatever. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
thank you - indierox 11 years ago
In every MST, I add a "signature key" (HKLM\SOFTWARE\{Client Name}\{Product Name}{Version} with some metadata such as install date, source location, name of MST, who created the package, etc. All of these keys are variables so I just have to import the REG file and not edit anything. This helps in troubleshooting and also helps to figure out if the authorized package was used or if someone did the install outside of the normal, supported process. I also add the Properties ALLUSERS and REBOOT to the packages.
I've been lucky in that I'm usually part of a Windows migration project and the client doesn't have any packaging experience. I become the person giving training on the packaging process, then sticking around to manage the packaging effort. I keep it simple so we don't have to have unnecessary documentation for an install that really boils down to "Next, Next, Finish" - vjaneczko 11 years ago
Agree with the signature key stuff as above as well. Client always says "your java package wants to update! fix it!" and it turns out the user has installed it from the web :/ this is where signature keys are handy
Something else I tend to do is remove launch conditions, because your SOE should contain pre-requisites etc from the testing. I also try and do MSI's so they can be tracked by the applications engine in config manager 2012.
Cheers!!! - warped_foobie 11 years ago