
Customizing setup


I am working on Wise package studio,

I have to customize the vendor setup, software having



icon files

I have to customize this for Allusers

setup will call the msi, msi willl give two option n/w and standalone I need stand alone option

after installing , the msi will call client.msi from installdir

when opening the application from admin user it is opening fine when opening the application form user end it going for self heal path and it asking for d:\path servercomponetns.msi not able to find

I gave sourcelist for self heal also in wise package in search locations but still it asking for d:\foldername..!

no components error also

after setup capture or creating transform using this msi it asking for self heal

but when I use setup.exe as silent install it is not asking for self heal I know only msi package will run for self heal but still I sont know the solution

Can anybody have idea on this

please help me on this

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Answers (1)

Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
Try running servercomponents.msi locally (instead of CD drive?) on the computer instead as the client.msi is in some how requireing the parent msi (nested right?) during self-healing.
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