

Helo to all

Description of the situation
I work in a domain environment, which is approximately 500 Dell workstations. I want to update BIOS on all machines using the *.exe file prepared by Client Configuration Toolkit. This file is tested on a test machine, on which i`m logged in as local administrator. Everything is performed accurately.
Then, using the third part program PDQ Deploy i`m trying to deploy the package configuration remotely to the test computer.
Here are different paths:
- When the system is not currently logged, an error occurs 0x006c44bc
- When the system is logged on non-admin user, an error occurs 0x006c44bc
- When the system is logged as the local administrator, an error occurs 0x006c44bc

- When the system is logged as a domain admin the process is successful.

I'm authenticated in the PDQ as a domain admin.

I tried this solution: http://www.appdeploy.com/messageboards/printable.asp?m=81122
but unfortunately it doesn`t work at all in my scenario.

Maybe someone has met with a similar situation, with a similar problem and knows what is the solution to this puzzle.

Thanks for all the answers.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_39146 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I solved the problem using the older software DCCU 3.0.
This program also creates a *. exe package that makes BIOS changes to multiple computers. You just pay attention to the bug:
Package DCCU program does not need any additional authorization or credentials, so you can also deploy it on all computers in your organization.

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