
Dell Kace 2000 fails to capture WIM image

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For a while, I never had any problem with capturing WIM images off my Dell Optiplex 3010. That is until last week I keep on running into this odd error. I included the two screenshots below. I did a search on this issue but I am unable to come up with any answer for this issue. I am hoping you can help me with this.



2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • The message states that the software failed to find a drive with enough space to perform a capture. Now to me that is a big clue as to where the problem lies. What have you done to verify that the image is going to the correct volume and that the volume has sufficient space. Do not exclude hardware issues developing on a target volume. Do not assume that the drive assignments are unchanged. Don't assume anything. Then come back with a more detailed description of your setup if you are still unable to solve the issue. - EdT 10 years ago
  • Thank you for letting me know that I should not assume anything. That was my main problem. I assumed that everything would be same. What I failed to notice the disk space being unusually large. I discovered that there were additional folders that contains old WIM image as well as Windows system folders. That caused the available disk space to be less than half of the total capacity.

    One thing I learned is that a WIM image will not be captured unless the available disk space is more than half of the total capacity. - apetersen478 10 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: apetersen478 10 years ago
White Belt
I learned that my available disk space was less than half of the total capacity. In order to successfully capture a WIM image, the available disk space must be more than half of that. I deleted some files to see if I can successfully capture the image and it worked. Now, I will build a new image from scratch with this knowledge.  
Posted by: andrew_lubchansky 10 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Just for a better understanding, a WIM image is created and compressed locally on your target device before it is uploaded to the K2000, so you must have enough space to hold the WIM in your available space.  If the option to remove files is not possible, you can throw an extra formatted drive in the target device and it will use that space (assuming enough is available), as the scratch space.

  • I have a secondary drive that has 850GB free and still get the same error as above: Drive X:\ available=59. So what limitations are there for the scratch space. Note: my VM Win7 image is on this drive as well, however the C: drive does not have enough space. - gke565 9 years ago

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