Dell Kace Graphical Reporting / Fancy reports for Executives?
I had a webex a month or so ago on this product and loved it. My only issue I had was the reporting feature seemed very weak. I need to be able to setup auto email based reports to our CFO, CEO, and president in a click of a button. Can the KACE actually do this or can I at least use a front end report writer to create my own custom reports? This is the only thing holding me back and the sales guy at dell didn't really have an answer for me. I know a few colleges use this product and I find it hard to believe others out there don't need to have graphical reports. Let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks guys.!
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Posted by:
10 years ago
Posted by:
10 years ago
Does this have to be done with a Front End report writer? Can you show me some examples of what some of the built in graphic reports look like?
there are no grafic reports in KACE.
You can query with Access or Excel and create fancy reports from it - Nico_K 10 years ago
Posted by:
10 years ago
I don't think you'd be able to achieve complete automation and graphical reports with one click just using KACE. The best you get graphically is uploading a custom logo. There is a dimensions limit on it though. The reports don't look "bad" - they stick with the KACE colors of blue, white, gray. But they aren't the most elegant reports I've ever seen.
I don't have any experience connecting any reporting tools/designers to the kbox but I imagine its possible. You can enable external database access and install the odbc connector. I use this for writing custom queries.
You could semi-automate it by having a scheduled report delivered to you in cvs or xls. Write a macro or create a template that you could paste the data into for formatting. Then send it off to whomever needs it.
Posted by:
10 years ago
Posted by:
10 years ago
As Nico said there are no built in graphical reports in Kace. I would recommend using something like Kace Bootstrap. It presents graphical metrics from Kace see here:-
I too would recommend that project...ok I started it but we still use it. As usual, I can help with implementation questions. - Jbr32 10 years ago
Shameless self promoting! LOL Good job. While I haven't put it in production I have played with it and it's a really nice tool. Thank you for taking the time to create/document/support it. - h2opolo25 10 years ago
Does the KaceBootstrap work with 6.3? All entries on GitHub are from a year ago. - JayWright 9 years ago
Question about boostrap: Is it possible to wrap the standard index.php page into another website that accepts html, that we use to monitor our daily IT operations? - jlazerus 9 years ago
the php files can run on any web server that supports the server side scripting language of PHP. So if you are trying to run it on an out of the box IIS server than no it will not work unless you add in PHP support. - Jbr32 9 years ago
Also thank you for letting me know it works on 6.3. - Jbr32 9 years ago
Is this still the case...even in 2018/2019? - adorsey 6 years ago