
Dell KACE K1000 : unable to deploy FileMaker Pro Advanced 14

Hi everyone,

I try to deploy FileMakerPro 14 Advanced by a Managed Install in the Dell KACE K1000 and I have a problem. I made a zip that contains all the installer files and a bat script to start the Setup.exe for a silent install. The files are correctly downloaded on my client and unzipped but the software never installed. If I run the "runkbot.exe 6 0" to start the MI I have the following message before the installation stop:

[2016-02-08.14:51:27][KDeploy:CMIPackageMgr::PreProces] KDeploy    PreprocessPackage:Unzip FAILED (C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\downloads\70436\FmpAdv14.zip) exit 2.
[2016-02-08.14:51:27][KDeploy:CMIPackageMgr::InstallSw] KDeploy    InstallSwitch (MI): package download failure, or missing 'full command' if MI is a .zip file

If I start the bat file manually on my client after they have been downloaded the install works fine. I configured the MI to override default installation to start the bat file, don't prepend msiexec.exe and delete downloaded files after installation. It works for all the other software I deploy but I face up to this problem only with FileMaker.

Thank you for your help.

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Answers (4)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: SITEL 9 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

Top Answer

I found the problem... There was a corrupt PDF file in my zip archive. After deleted it MI works fine.
Posted by: ecarg 8 years ago
White Belt
Hi dude87, 
I am trying to install the Filemaker 14 and the command works in CMD but when I put in KACE1000 using the same command it's not installing.  Would you mind helping me out pls? Thank you
Posted by: SITEL 8 years ago
Senior Purple Belt


Setup.exe start and don't wait the process finished... Maybe it's your problem. I do this with a loop that wait the process finished and after I install update by the same way :

Setup.exe /s /v/qn
tasklist | find /i "Setup.exe" >nul 2>&1
) ELSE (


.\FMP_14p0p4_Updater\Setup.exe /s /v/qn
tasklist | find /i "Setup.exe" >nul 2>&1
) ELSE (
  GOTO LOOP_update

Hope this help...

PS: You can do this easier by PowerShell with Start-Process and -Wait argument...

Posted by: ecarg 8 years ago
White Belt
Hi dude 87, 

Thank you so much for your answer, I really appreciated it. I will work on it and will let you know. 
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