Deploying a shortcut with zenworks
Hi all,
I am trying to deploy a shortcut with zenworks. Its just a URL shortcut to a website the elementary students use. I first tried deploying it with the shockwave plugin for firefox (as it is needed for that website). It created the shortcut but then when you click on it it just complains about not being associated with any application. I also tried having a simple zenworks application create it itself (under the app properties -> Distribution Options -> Icons and Shortcuts) but the same thing happens. I have tried creating it on the users desktop and in all users desktop. It acts the same. Does anyone have a thought on why this might be? This is deploying to win2k pro.
Answers (5)
did I understand you right in that you're trying to deploy a .lnk file (the url shortcut)?
Why don't you just use a web application type of application object, enter the url and distribute it to the appropriate users?
You can even chain that object to the object which installs the shockwave plugin so that every user that tries to open the url automatically gets the plugin installed.
Hope this helps.
A web application object is a very simple object. You just enter your URL to create the object and that's it. When a user starts the object, it automatically opens the machines standard browser and gets to that URL.
If you want it to stay in the Application launcher you can create a simple application that points to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (MUST be the executable).
(If you want a shortcut, there is a tab somewhere that you can check "show this shortcut on desktop" as well)
So, what you have is an app that does this:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" ""
(There is a single space in there between app path and URL, and yes, put the quotes).
This is also very handy if you wanted to create something on bootup/login/specified time that forces users to go to a webpage and say, change their passwords or something.
This also works fine as a batch file.
Hope this helps!
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