
Deploying Java 7u55 with Transform SCCM 2012

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Hi all,

I'm trying to deploy Java 7u55 to Windows 7 x64. I have extracted the .MSI and .BAT files from %user%\appdata\locallow\sun\java\%javaversion%\ and created a .MST file to turn off automatic updates and to lower the web app security to medium.

I tested the files locally on my VMs first and they installed and configured successfully using the .MST .CAB and .MSI files. I used the same install command shown below, I only changed the file directory to the local folder on the VMs.

msiexec /i "jre1.7.0_55.msi" TRANSFORMS="Transform.mst" /q


My issue is that SCCM fails to deploy the package with the error that it cannot apply the transform and to check the path and presense of th .MST file. This to me does not make sense, because it is in the same folder on the server as the .MSI and .CAB files.

If I deploy Java 7u55 without the .MST file, it installs fine but I need it to be configured correctly.

Any idea as to what the problem is?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: rileyz 10 years ago
Red Belt

Log log logging.

Enable logging and check where the MSI is being launched from, I know its diff in SCCM2012 compared to SCCM2007. Could be running from the network and not being able to find the MST.

 msiexec /i "jre1.7.0_55.msi" TRANSFORMS="Transform.mst" /q /l*vx %systemroot%\logs\JRE7u55.log

  • Thanks for the reply. I'm very new to packaging and software deployment so I'm not certain on many things.

    I changed your %systemroot% to C:\windows\ccm\logs\jre7u55.log
    It did not generate a log.

    I went into the C:\Windows\CCM\Logs and it says that the error was:

    Did not detect app deployment type Java 7 Update 55-Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeID_LotofNumbers) - LANMAN90 10 years ago
Posted by: wmrofri 10 years ago
Orange Belt

If you create a install.cmd file in the same directory as the msi and MST file, that looks like this:

#### start file
@echo off

msiexec /i  "%~dp0jre1.7.0_55.msi" TRANSFORMS="%~dp0Transform.mst" /qb- /l* %TEMP%\JRE7u55.log
#### end file

update the programs-->(your program)--> command line  to: install.cmd

Update the package in sccm "update distribution points"

Then try to install again. 
The logfile will end upp in c:\windows\temp\

Posted by: Guttormr1 10 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Just drop the transform.

Here is what i use for my Java installs.  I also do like the status bar during installs so i do include that, but remove the cancel button.

jre1.7.0_55.msi JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 SYSTRAY=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qb-!

I also include IEXPLORER=1 to enable it for IE as corporately it's the only supported browser.  And i use ROOTDRIVE=C:\ on all my installs.

Windows Installer default behavior on installs is to install to the drive with the most disk space.  By setting this i force all my installs to be on the C drive.

Java installs to "All Users" so it's not something to worry about...but if that is ever a concern then you set ALLUSERS=1

 Sorry...quick edit:  You'd want to also include:  WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=M

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