
deploying office 2003 via ghost 8.0

I'm trying to push office 2003, The initial install works fine but when you try to open word it says microsoft is configuring office 2003. in addition a user box pops up when word loads the first time. Is there a way to prevent both of these from happening?

On a different note if I uninstall Office 2003 then reinstall it, Power point, access, and excell all get error messages saying that a "speech parameter is invalid windows installer error 87" any ideas?

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Answers (7)

Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
When you say "deploying office 2003 via ghost 8.0" you mean that office2003 is part of your image? If so, you'll need to get a cleaner installation on your original image. The error messages mean something is bollixed up. You may need to make the source media available (keep it local or on a read only share somewhere)

As for a box popping up on first use, that is completely normal, as Office is gathering user-specific information. there may be a way to automate that by gathering user information - look on the office web site. MSI applications will install user-specific configuration on first use - again, completely normal.
Posted by: rdowney 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
I created an install package with AI Snapshot(part of the ghost suite) then pushed it to the test machine. I don't encounter any of the problems when I open any office app on the machine I created the package on.

I wanted to keep the image as basic as possible for flexibility. If I have to, I will just put office on the image.
Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
followup to above, there are references to Installer error 87, but they're all over the map. Not sure if apply to your situation. Start with the MSDN web site and google from there to see if there are any fixes available.
Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Ah, now I see what you're saying. Three words: Don't do that! [:'(]

Deploy Office with the original MSI , and use the Office resource kit to customize it. Don't try to use a snapshot or capture - the product is far too complex for that, and MS won't support it. I think if you go the MSI route, you can probably ignore the rest of my replies above. [:D]

Hope this helps.
Posted by: rdowney 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
I was starting to lean towards doing that way, there just seems to be too many problems with it. Thanks for all your help
Posted by: aogilmor 19 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
From what I've seen there are very few problems with the ORK approach. also, being a Microsoft tool, it has at least some support from MS. Good luck!
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
ORK is definitely the way to go, it' has a very detailed wizard that churns out Office transforms. ORCA is the only tool I've found that can make a transform without breaking Office, and you won't manage to do more than a minor tweak with that. Did you look at that CustomActions table? It's PACKED!

Ah, the emotional struggle of hating the Office 2003 MSI while feeling the odd jealousy of being impressed by it...
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