
Deploying ps1 with k1000 vs 2000 in 3.7

Im attempting to run a powershell script from the k1000 and have been unsuccessful I have tried all the tricks listed in the forums. Wondering if it can be deployed from 2000 as a task without needing to install the OS. I have set the restriction policy to unrestricted the files land but the script never runs. Thanks for any answers you can provide.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Hello,

    what happen if you launch manually the powershell script? does it work?
    Can you describe better how you are trying to deploy it?
    Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 9 years ago
  • I followed this guide

    https://support.software.dell.com/kb/148903 - Lotus8 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rileyz 9 years ago
Red Belt

What's your command to run the PowerShell script?

Normally the Execution Policy is set to restricted, this means no scripts will run.  The command I use to execute PowerShell scripts on a vanilla system (with Execution Policy Restricted) is below. This means you can run script and not modify the execution policy, which I recommended. You still need administrative privileges of course.

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File NameOfYour.ps1


  • You will need to specify the full path to the script.
  • Don't copy and paste from the internet, you might get caught out by quotes "
    these are bad quotes:



A better practice would be to change the Execution Policy to AllSigned, and sign your scripts, but you need a PKI setup for that, and that's £ to do it properly.

Posted by: Lotus8 9 years ago
Senior White Belt

Top Answer

Got it !! Had to add a step to xcopy the ps1 to C:\temp and the script is now working it would not run from the folder its downloaded to from the K1000 thanks for the help !!
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