
Deploying VMWare Workstation 10.0.3 in SCCM 2007

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I'm trying to create a new package/advertisment for VMWare Workstation 10.0.3 in our SCCM 2007 Environment. I've created a new package and program as per the documentation. When I run this command manually on a machine it installs completely fine, but when I try to run this same command as part of the SCCM advertisement it does not install. The command line is;

VMware-workstation-full-10.0.3-1895310.exe /s /nsr /v EULAS_AGREED=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=0 DATACOLLECTION=0

To make things more confusing, I can see the Installation exe is running on the target machine, in tskmgr, but after 5 mins it stops and the install is not completed. The SCCM report claims the deployment was a success.

Please help, i can't understand why the command runs manualy but SCCM has so much trouble with it!


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Osiris 10 years ago
White Belt
In the time it took to approve my account i've answered my own question.

Extract the .exe installer and then run the resulting MSI Thus:

Msiexec.exe /i "vmwareworkstation_x64.msi" /qb EULAS_AGREED=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=0 DATACOLLECTION=0

VMWare documentation sucks....

  • Most vendor documentation sucks - but most application packagers will know to look for internal MSI files. - EdT 10 years ago
Posted by: ontari 10 years ago
Yellow Belt
if you're installing a Licensed VM Ware Work station product then try installing in User Context from SCCM. 

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