
Desktop Central and VBS Script

Does anyone have any experience using desktop central as their distribution tool. I have some scripts that were written that run perfectly when run manually but if I try to deploy it via desktop central it does not install at all (although admin console tells me it was successful). It does run parts of the script such as checkdisk but no applications are brought down. If desktop central is not going to work is there any other avenue I can use to deploy this?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: Jsaylor 14 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Just a complete stab in the dark here... but if your script is deploying MSI's, try adding ALLUSERS=1 to the command line that you're using.

I.E. msiexec.exe /i "MYPACKAGE.MSI" ALLUSERS=1 /q

Installing under the system account can be tricky sometimes, defining ALLUSERS helps tremendously. Remember that it's case sensitive!
Posted by: BerkApp 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks - this is for a vbs script, am I able to still use that switch?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Your script is presumably running a command line so you would just add the switch to that command line.

As to why parts are not executing, would the source files be on a network share, by any chance? And does DC use the local System account to execute its commands, by any chance? If the answer to both questions is yes, then you'll need to engineer a way to get the pacakges copied locally and executed from there, as the System account has no access to the network.
Posted by: BerkApp 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yes I think this may be a culprit but would the local system account not be able to access the network drive even if everyone has full permissions?
Posted by: pjgeutjens 14 years ago
Red Belt
Yes I think this may be a culprit but would the local system account not be able to access the network drive even if everyone has full permissions?

Nope, only if you actually map the drive in the script itself OR give access on the network share to Domain Computers if you're in a domain. Then localSystem will be able to reach the network location
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