
What is the difference between an advertised shortcut and a non-advertised shortcut and path?

What is advertise shortcut and non-advertise shortcut's and thier paths in system?

  1. Diff b/w advertise shortcut and non-advertise shortcut's ?
  2. while placing this shortcuts where we have put both this shortcuts in system?
  3. what about thier paths if we want to place these shortcuts in diff operting system like (xp, win7, server2003)?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

1) Advertise shortcuts have capability to trigger self heal as it checks for each component's keypath in current and parent features. Unadvertised are normal shortcuts like .lnk

2) Cannot understand the question.

3) Advertised shortcuts are associated with the keypath of the component and it derives its path from there.

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