Difference between Distribution and Scripting deployments (Java update install)
I am wondering what the difference between the two deployments. With distributions, I can limit a deployment to a machine, save the changes, then force and inventory update on that machine to push the deployment. I am pushing Java 6 Update 33 and works fine with the Distribution deployment.
When I try to use the Scripting way of deployment though, it says it successfully pushed the update to the box (confirmed this interaction with having KACE pop up an alert to the user) but doesn't actually install anything. It just says the install is pending in the Run Now Status tab.
The command line install that im using for both deployments are as follows: jre-6u33-windows-i586.exe /s AgreeToLicense=YES IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0
The above works well with the Distribution deployment but not the Scripting deployment. Any reason in particular?
In Scripting, you can create multiple "tasks" for the install script to run. The only task I have is "On Success" Install (my Java package here) with arguments "/s AgreeToLicense=YES IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0"
I would think this would work but it doesn't. Any suggestions? Also, could anyone direct me to some good documentation on the Scripting and Distributions portion of KACE? That would be much appreciated.
Answers (2)
Here is a link for webexs. There's a ton of good info here.
What step is your task taking? "Install Software Package"?
Any reason you have your task "On Success"? Do you have a "verify" option set?
I usually do something like this.
File exists %programfiles%\java\jre6\bin\java.exe
Log message
Install your stuff
Remediation Success:
Log Software Installed
Remediation Failure:
Log Software Failed