
Difference between Response Transform & Transform?

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Here below is what i know,

Transform- Replica of MSI

Response Transform- will help us to know where the information that we pass while instaling the msi will be stored


My question is,

I've an msi where i need to pass server info while installing

i've created response transform for that and shall i submit it or do i need to know the information and then i need to create normal transform and include the information in that.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Rumpelminz 11 years ago
White Belt


you just need to create the Response Transform with the data you need. Then submit it with the install command msiexec.

Should be fine that way.


  • TRANFORM file or MST is sometimes called "Response file" and so they are just the same. After you have created your MST for example with Install Tailor, you still need to customized it depending on your requirements. - dj_xest 11 years ago
Posted by: EVEEN 11 years ago
Green Belt

TRANFORM file or MST is sometimes called "Response file" and so they are just the same. 

Posted by: vjaneczko 11 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt


A transform file should not be thought of as a response file.  A MST file allows us to alter the installation behavior of an MSI, including the ability to add or remove items, whereas a response file only provides answers to specific installation procedures, most commonly the ISS files generated by InstallShield setups.  A response file cannot add an ODBC entry, modify REG keys, add config files, etc.

The Difference between a Response Transform & a 'regular' Transform is only in the manner in which it is created.  A Response MST is created when using Tuner (or another utility) which collects our input - A.K.A. our Responses - when executing the UI of an MSI. The responses are then incorporated into a Transform.  Only when Tuner asks us to create a Transform are we asked whether or not we want to create a Response Transform.  At no other time do we refer to the MST as a Response Transform, regardless of the manner in which it was made.


  • My head is spinning.. O.O - dj_xest 11 years ago
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